Monday, October 24, 2005

. . . Well, it's official. Hurricane Wilma is upon us. Funny thing though. I'm still in school. What is that all about? Every other school in the entire county and all the counties surrounding us are closed. Not to mention themeparks including Disney and Universal are also closed. Come on now. If theme parks are closing, it can't be a good thing. But what did I do this morning? Drag my butt out of bed, get dressed, figure out which clothes will keep me the driest and warmest throughout the day, pack my things, get in my car, and drive through a hurricane to school. Granted, we didn't get a direct hit, it's still pretty nasty out here. If I had a camera with me, I'd take a picture. Somehow, the president of student affairs seems to think that by this afternoon it will be sunny and will turn out to be a lovely day. Well president Duncan, it's now 11:30, and it's still pretty rainy. In fact, I just walked past a TV, and the hurricane is still overhead. We're supposed to continue to get bands and the wind is supposed to pick up. One of my professors got smart and said that class was optional. I may as well go though since I'm here. The only other person who I know that had to drag themselves out of bed too is Justin. Poor guy had to drive through the hurricane at 6:30 this morning. At least I got a warning to leave early cause the roads are flooded. Yup. You heard right. The roads are flooded. Don't worry though. My little car and I made it through okay. I did notice something new about my little car today though. When it rains really hard, the liner on the inside gets damp. Now that can't be good can it? I think I have the car cancer. (Rust) Damn. Well, that's all for now. I'm hungry. I'll update again on the flip side of this hurricane mess.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll be going to rollins in the spring... guess that's what i have to look forward to! oh well, UAH was the same way - it's the university that dedicated itself to never cancelling class! one time i had to drive to school with 3 tornadoes that had touched down in the area. i had a test that day - and our professor made us take the exam even though there were tornado sirens going off. now THAT was fun! i feel your pain! be safe on your way home!

Monday, October 24, 2005 12:02:00 PM  

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