Monday, October 24, 2005

Wild Weather

. . . Well, I will say this. There were things that President Duncan was correct about. But not everything. He was right in that the afternoon was beautiful. Cold, but beautiful. More about that later. I don't think he was right in saying that just because 80% of the student body lives on campus, that everyone can go to school because we're not in danger. I think he forgot that his entire faculty and staff drives to work. And what about the 20% of us that do commute? What about our safety? I thought that was a little hateful. But what of Wilma now you may be asking yourself. Well, she is currently off the coast of Florida and racing her way at 30 miles an hour away from land. Apparently there's a system up north that she's going to combine with and the New England states are in for some nasty weather in the next few days. Funny thing though. There's a new named storm right behind her. I wonder what tropical depression Alpha is going to bring us. Rumor has it that it won't develop. It's still hard for me to believe that we've had so many storms out here that the naming people had to go back to the top of the alphabet!! Now what have I been doing since this whole Wilma thing happened? Well, there was school this morning. Then I came home and took a nap. Well deserved I do believe. Oh! And I got the stupid time stamp thing figured out. There was no option for eastern standard time, but a million other options so I had to figure out which one was compatable. I think I ended up with America/New York or something like that. I know I know. Sounds easy right? Let me tell you. America/Solidad was one of the options. So chosing the correct one wasn't exactly easy when there were so many listings under America that weren't even part of the US!! So have I mentioned that it's cold? And it didn't gradually get this way. It was sudden and out of nowhere. I think the high tonight is supposed to be 48 degrees or something like that. At least I won't be hot. And it looks like I'll be staying indoors. Well, homework awaits. I should probably do that. Till next time, stay warm and dry! P.S. the ability to recover posts is the best new thing. Apparently blogger is having some technical difficulties and is unable to post my blog at the moment. Luckily, I can go back and recover it instead of rewriting the whole thing. Woo Hoo!!


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