Wednesday, October 26, 2005

What I Learned In School

. . . So I find that throughout the day, I think of brilliant and witty things to say in my posts. And then when I get home, I find that whatever I was thinking about during the day is miraculously gone from my head when I sit in front of a computer. Anyway, here's a list of the things I learned in school today.

1. Only 1% of the entire population in the United States actually lives in the upper class.
2. 40% of the kids who go to Rollins actually comes from this upper class. (What is that all about?)
3. It is thought that kids who go to private schools get a better education than kids who go to public schools.
4. 60% of the kids who go to Rollins actually went to a private school.
5. One of the girls in my class doesn't have to work, has a credit card that she lives off of that her parents pay for, and her parents pay full tuition.

. . . Now what have I learned from all this you may ask? I have learned that I am amongst a very small minority. Not just because my eyes happen to be slanted, but also because not only do I have to work, I have to pay bills, and I'm going to be in debt when I get out of college. I will therefore have no chance of getting out of the so called "social class" that I have been placed into. Again, what is that all about??

. . . On a lighter note, one of my professors is the token cat lady. You know how every good small town has a cat lady? Usually the old scary lady down the street who has a million cats indoors and out? Yeah. That's one of my professors. She has a cat clock. Instead of numbers, there are cats. She even had her cat have accupuncture. Yikes! Speaking of the cat lady, I have an exam in her class tomorrow. I suppose studying for it would be a good option. Oh! But before I go, my roomate got a horse yesterday! I shall post pictures of it later.


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