Thursday, December 29, 2005

Finally . . . Sort Of

. . . So I know it's been awhile since I've been able to post a decent update. Incase you haven't been keeping up with the posts, we're moving. So we've had to switch all of our appliances over from the old apartment to the new house. Our phone line has been cut off for 2 weeks now. Since we have DSL, our internet has also been cut off. Let me tell you. It's like losing an arm I never knew I had. I never realized how much I relied on the internet for everything. Anyway, the two previous posts were done at work in a moment of peace. Those come few and far between so I don't get to write anything extensive. We moved both desks over to the house and I set up both computers but when it came time to set up the internet, I ran into problems. They're sending out the internet fixer man on Friday. Yea!!
. . . How far have we gotten with the actual move? It's strange. We move all this stuff over, and the house seems empty so it makes me feel like we didn't do much. Then we go back to the apartment, and it looks so empty. Anyway, both desks and computers are gone. The kitchen is almost empty. Both storage closets are empty. The bathrooms are almost empty. Two of the three TV's are gone. The TV stand, microwave stand, my night stand, and the coffee table are all gone. The book shelves are gone along with all the books and movies. And so far, we've done it all my ourselves. Amanda and I have had no help so far. Pretty good huh??
. . . Work is the same. Stressfull. The kids make me nuts. But still a learning experience and I enjoy what I do. There's some drama with staff but I guess that's to be expected everywhere. The good news being that the people starting the drama are going to hang themselves cause administration is catching on.
. . . Justin and I have started talking again. And that's all anyone really needs to know right now.
. . . That's pretty much it. My life is pretty much filled with the same old stuff. I'll try to do a better job of updating. We'll see how that goes. It'll be easier once our DSL is working again. I hope all is well and everyone had a great Christmas!!


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