Thursday, December 08, 2005


. . . I leave for Vegas in two days. Yea!
. . . I have two exams due tomorrow by noon. I haven't started either one of them and can't seem to find the motivation to crank them out. I know I'll get them done in time cause I always do. But ugh. It would be nice to sit here and have something intelligent to say about sociological methodology or the state of black america.
. . . My christmas cards are bought. If only I had opened them and started writing so I could send them out. I suppose getting addresses would be a good idea also.
. . . I'd like to go shopping. I don't know what to buy. I don't know who to buy for. But I'd still like to go shopping.
. . . There's two presents waiting to be wrapped. I enjoy wrapping presents. My mom used to tell me that I take too long. But it's so pretty when I'm done. If only I could master the art of bows that don't require a scissors to curl them.
. . . I need new bedding. Well, a comforter at least. I need to return the blanket I've been using.
. . . I suppose that's enough procrastinating for now. 23 hours till my exams are due. I think I shall go cut my nails so they stop getting caught in the keyboard. It's getting hard to type.
. . . And that is my list of things that I need or need to do.


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