Monday, March 27, 2006

Here's To You Devon

. . . So, I got scolded this morning! Okay. So it wasn't really a scolding and it was more like afternoon but still. I was told that I don't blog enough. What is that?? Here I was thinking that no one was reading what I had to say about life, when two people in two days tell me that they're actually paying attention! Who knew? I think what it all comes down to, is that I don't have something witty and insightful to say everyday. Well, that and the fact that I'm boring. I finally realize that I lead a boring life and I think I'm okay with it. Seriously. All I do is work and go to school. An exciting day for me is going to Target. Or Walmart. The location all depends on what we need. Other than that, I stay at home with my dog. Okay. So there are times when I go out, but those instances are becoming fewer and farther between. Oh well. I guess that's what happens with age.
. . . So we're starting our registration for next semester. I'm still not used to the process. At every other school I've been to, when your time is up, you register. If you're not one of the first people to log on or call in, you don't get the classes you want. And you sure as hell better have alternate plans for classes that you can take cause you aren't getting the ones you want. Anyway, I digress. At Rollins, as I'm sure I've complained about before, but first, you have to go online and "pre-register". Then you meet with your advisor so they can approve of the classes you've chosen. Then the advisor goes into the computer system and approves and makes changes. Then the little scheduler people do the schedules and it gets posted on-line. Isn't that weird? I never knew that registration could be such a process. But again, I digress. My point to this was to vent about my classes. As it turns out, I have to take five. Yes count them, 5 classes next semester. BLECH!!! So if it seems as though I'm MIA or that I'm ignoring you or that I don't care about anything next semester, please don't take it personally. I'll just be REALLY busy. When in doubt, e-mail works best. BUT, this puts me a step closer to graduation. WOO HOO!!!!!
. . . I think that's pretty much it. Oh! Except that I have a new favorite love. Ready? White cheddar cheeze-its. NOT cheeze-nips, but CHEEZE-ITS. I started grabbing a bag on the way to class every day and so far I've had a bag a day for the whole semester. They're the best thing ever. AND, as if life could not get any more exciting, it's may favorite candy season. Now, I know most people enjoy Halloween cause of all the bells and whistles, but me personally, I enjoy easter. The candy is prettier, there's a lot more chocolate, there's sepcialty candies that only come out once a year, and the candy is better cause it's not specifically made to put in greedy little kids bags. Not to mention, the real peeps only come out at easter. I know there's year round peeps with christmas trees and pumpkins and such, but they're just not as good as the standard bunnies.
. . . Really. That's it this time. I think I've rambled enough for one night. Still have homework to do. Hope everyone enjoys!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


. . . Well, I figured I've complained and bragged enough about her. It's time to put a picture on the blog. Incase you're wondering, yes. She did that to herself. There was no posing involved. She's a strange dog.

. . . That's pretty much it. I'm sure I'll think of something insightful and witty to say later. But for now, bye!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Puppy School and Stuff

. . . Sometimes I think I'm writing this blog for my own enjoyment. Not that I go back and read what I've written, but I was beginning to feel that no one read it since no one ever comments or says anything to me about it. So I asked my mom cause she says she reads it. But then again, of course my mom is going to read it cause she's my mom. Well, just when I was losing all hope of a dedicated readership, I get an e-mail from my old roomate Devon. She has reassured me that there are in fact people who read this, and that in itself has motivated me to keep writing. Okay so it may just be her that's reading it, but still. At least I know I'm not just writing to my mom since I talk to her all the time anyway. Anyway, the point of this entire opening paragraph was to say thanks to anyone who actually reads this. Especially Devon. Oh! And just a little side note, Devon, when you sign up to have a blog, you have to actually write in it for people to know what's going on. If you leave it blank, it defeats the whole purpose. :-)
. . . Friday was the first day of puppy class. My monster actually did really well. The trainer is awesome and knows a lot. There were 5 people signed up for the class but we were the only ones who showed up. That amazes me. You pay $100 for this class to teach your dog manners and basic commands. To me, if you're going to take the time to do that, the class must be somthing you think you need. I don't understand how after that, you can just not show up. Now, I understand one, maybe two people not showing up for one reaosn or another. My car broke down and I forgot seem to be popular. But four other people?? Anyway, it kind of worked out for my benefit. It was like we had a private lesson!! Week one was all about getting excited about her name. We're trying to teach her that when she hears her name, she should get excited. She doesn't necessarily have to come to you when she's called, but at least look up and acknowledge that she heard it. She did well. Looked up almost every time. Even when she was playing with a toy. The only time we were ignored whas when there were other people around to look at or bark at or whatever. I swear my dog as ADD.
. . . Anyway, after class, we decided to look around PetSmart. She needed something new to chew on that was hard, but that she wouldn't eat in 2 hours like she was doing with rawhide. Those rawhide bones don't stand a chance. It's funny how this amazingly well behaved dog could all of a sudden become a holy terror. She was pulling on her leash, barking at other dogs, trying to run to them, looking and sniffing and trying to get under all the fixtures. It was crazy!! But she did come home with a new toy and a new chewing thing. The toy is a stuffed blue elephant with a squeaker in it. And the chew thing is a cow bone. Yup. An actual cow bone. It's the greatest thing EVER!! She can chew and chew and chew, and it doesn't seem to disappear.
. . . I've decided that it's a good thing that I'm not one of those people who values sleep. Okay. That's a downright lie. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to sleep. It's one of my favorite things to do. Sleeping in is one of the best things to do on a day off. Or well, I used to think so. I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep in ever again. Every morning, I have to wake up between 8 and 9 to take the monster out. Now, Pebbles used to hold it till Amanda woke up. Aya will hold it till I'm good and ready to get out of bed. But Mimi? Not so much. As soon as she jumps off the bed in the morning, I know that I had better follow her, or risk having to clean up after her. It kinda sucks. I mean, I can always, and usually do crawl back into bed if there's nowhere that I have to be. But it still sucks that I have to get out of bed so early to take her out. Blech. I'm never going to be able to sleep in again and that makes me sad.
. . . I'm on spring break this week. I love it. Got some homework to do, but it's only Sunday. I'll start tomorrow. I've already finished one book. Started reading it yesterday while I was getting my windows tinted and finished it this afternoon. This week shal be about relaxation. That's the plan anyway. I've gotta take my monster out to potty and then go to bed. I'm surprisingly tired.
. . . If anyone in Orlando reads this and is bored, call me. If not, I hope everyone has a good monday!