Monday, December 04, 2006

My Brain Is Broken

. . . it's been a long few weeks. it's been awhile since i've written anything. there's been a lot going on. and it's not gonna slow down for awhile. hm, where to start
. . . school is about done. last week was the last week of classes. finals officially started yesterday. i technically had one at 11 am but the professor said we could go to any final she's giving. i'm either going on thursday evening or friday morning. haven't decided yet. depends on how much i can get done before then and how i'm feeling. in the meantime, i have two finals tomorrow. usually i can take finals without really worrying about them. it's just another part about the end of the semester. for some reason though, i'm really kinda worried about the two i have tomorrow. i think that's part of the reason i'm writing this now. i've been studying all day and need a break. i think my brain is broken. okay not really, but i can't think of anything intelligent to put in the paper i'm currently working on. after that, it's one more paper, and that one final i have the option to take on two days.
. . . i moved this past weekend too. probably not the best time to move but i didn't want to have to pay rent in two places. okay not really men, but still. it's not cheap to be paying twice the rent even if it is only for a week. got almost everything moved on friday and friday evening. the big stuff came on saturday. and then yesterdy i got patio furniture and a hutch thing for the living room tv and a vaccum. that's exciting. i got just about everything put away on saturday night. there's still a few things that don't have homes, but that's cause i don't know where they're going to live yet. the boxes in the living room are going back to the house to be re-used. there's two bags of trash that need to go out but i can't exactly leave my apartment till tomorrow.
. . . here's the reason. mimi isn't doing so good. she's not sick or anything but she's not adjusting as well as i'd like her to. she whinees and cries and barks a lot. not that i can really blame her but it's still hard. she's only known the house since i've had her. everytime there was a car or a person there, it was because they were coming to her house. here it's totally different. there's always people walking around and cars coming and going all day. i think it throws her off cause she doesn't know that they live here too. hopefully things will get better. everyone i've talked to says to give her time. it still worries me though. i'm also kinda worried about the fact that i'm going out of town so many times in the next two months. i hope that doesn't mess her up too much.
. . . thanksgiving was awesome. didn't want to come home. met some awesome new people. wish we coulda met earlier. spent time int he store. went to see what hollywood was like. went to the aquarium. fed some lorikeets. little too scared to touch a shark even though i had the chance. plus i didn't want to get wet. good times to be had by all.
. . . other than that, things are okay. health is pretty good. i wish i was in cali already but that can't be helped. i'm super glad it's the chrismas season even though i have no money for presents so sorry about that. doesn't rally feel like christmas yet cause i'm stressed but that will soon change. christmas cards will be going out next week hopefully. if anyone would like one and you don't think i have your address, send it to me.
. . . gotta go back to studying now.


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