Sunday, April 30, 2006


. . . Welp, as it turns out, I'm far far overdue for an update. I just went through and read friends blogs, and realized that even those that hardly ever update, have updated at least once. So, as not to dissapoint my loyal followers, I shall now tell you what has been going on in my life.
. . . Fox Day has come and gone. It turned out to be on April 11. Most of Rollins ended up going to the beach since the school provides busses from campus to Cocoa. I on the other hand, stayed home and played with the dog. I'd like to say that I did some studying or something productive like that, but I really didn't. Oh well. Fox Day is designed to be a day of rest and that's what it ended up being. I'm glad I didn't go to the beach that day. It would have been crowded with a lot of drunk college kids. Not exactly my cup of tea if you know what I mean.
. . . We got a DVD recorder. Of course, cause we're cheap, we got the cheap one. Well, as it turns out, it's a total piece of crap!!! You know that phrase you get what you pay for?? Totally TOTALLY true. Shoulda thought about that before hand. It hasn't recorded a single thing since we got it and it's not like I haven't been trying. Not to mention it freezes up and then the only thing you can do is unplug the damn thing for awhile and then plug it back in and pray. Blech.
. . . Took Mimi to the dog park for the first time yesterday. She had a BLAST!! It's a huge park out in Winter Park that I had never even heard of. A friend from school takes her dog there every weekend and we went to meet up with her. Anyway, it sits on a lake so the dogs can swim and run in the water. At first, she just ran and ran and ran. Didn't care if there was anyone to play with or anything. Just running around being crazy. Then she realized that there was water. Now, Mimi had never seen a large body of water. She's never even gone swimming or had more encounters with water than a bath. But she sure did jump right in like she goes swimming every day! She swam and played with other dogs and chased things, and swam more. Needless to say, she got home and PASSED OUT!! She even let me sleep in a little today.
. . . Only two more days of classes!! Woo Hoo!!! Have a few last minute assignments to finish up for Monday and Tuesday. Then we have a reading day, and finals start on Thursday. I have an inclass on Friday morning and then one due on the following Monday, and one due on Tuesday. But for me, they're both due on Monday. Why you ask?? Because that afternoon, I shall be boarding a plane and heading for VEGAS!!!!
. . . Again, as it turns out that my dad will be in Vegas just as the semester is getting out. What a great way to blow off end of the semester steam!!
. . . Well, that's about it. Even when there is a big gap between posts, my life isn't all that interesting. How sad. Oh well. Till next time!


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