Monday, May 08, 2006


. . . So I never actually thought I'd be doing this, but I'm actually updating waiting for a plane. Not quite as exciting as Chebra who acutally updates from the air, but whatever. I thought this was pretty cool. I think my favorite part about sitting at the airport is the people watching. People here are just so interesting. Especially since so few of them actually speak English as their first language. I guess it serves me right for catching a connector through Miami. Not to mention, telling the vacationers from the locals. Or the people who are terrified of flying and are just trying to keep their composure from the people who think of it as just another day. Or the cranky kids who have just spent 5 days at Disney and need a really long nap with the parents who just spent 5 days chasing their child and also needs a nap. There are those with the sadness in their eyes from just leaving a loved one, and those with the excitement of going to see a loved one. So many things going on in such a small area.
. . . I handed in one of my finals today. Had to drive out to school at 8:30. Was back home again by 10. Of course, I hadn't packed so I had to get all that done. Not to mention put last nights Grey's Anatomy on DVD so I can watch it on the plane. That is if I didn't stuff it in my other bag. In which case, I'll just watch it in Vegas. What was my point? Ah yes. The final. I hope I did okay. It looked really pretty with all the magazine cut outs and such. Crazy professor. I have one more final to do. Gonna finish it at some point today and e-mail it in. Not real worried about it. Just can't concentrate here.
. . . Got my hair done the other night. A friend has his cosmetology license so he came over to trim and dye my hair. I think he's going to put highlights in next week. The cut isn't much shorter at all. He just evened up the ends. I think he might have put in a few long layers, but I'm not real sure cause you can't really see them. Then I got it dyed red. Now, I usually buy Feria red hair dye and it comes out with one bottle. He bout professional stuff, and had to run to Publix cause he said my hair just ate it up. I guess that's the whole thick hair thing. I like how it turned out. It's redder than I thought it was going to be but whatever. Perhaps I'll put a picture up when I get one.
. . . Well, Vegas awaits. Actually, no. Miami awaits. I'll be stuck there for 3 hours. Then it's off to Vegas. Sucks that I've been at the airport since 12:30 this afternoon and I won't get to Vegas till around 11:00pm Vegas time. That's 2:00am Orlando time. Well over 12 hours in airports and planes. Ick. I suppose that's what I get for wanting to find the cheapest flight available. If I make a lot of money, there will be a post. If not, the next one will likely be after I get home.