Saturday, September 09, 2006

If Anyone Cares To Know

. . . Yeah so I haven't really been doing a very good job at keeping up with the blogs. Okay. I've actually done a piss poor job at keeping up. There are real reasons for this. It's not that I've just been lazy or don't care. I promise.
. . . School has been back in session for exactly 3 weeks now. It sucks. Not that what I'm learning isn't interesting, but I don't have a whole lot of time for much of anything else. 5 classes with a total of 21 credits isn't an easy thing to keep up with. Especially with the amount of reading that sociology professors require. I'm takin two soc classes. One requirement and one elective. Lots and I do mean LOTS of reading. Plus I have to go to an elementary school once a week for one of my classes. Oh great. Another thing to add to the plate. Good news being that when these are done, all I have is senior seminar and I'm done with my major. Unfortunately, because of a screw up with Valencia, I'm not done with my gen ed courses yet. I've actually got 3 freshman classes this year. Those days suck.
. . . I've learned something very interesting recently. My brain is no longer in a stage where learning language is possible. Okay so maybe it is, but this learning process thing is not going well. It doesn't help that I'm one of the few people in the class who have never spoken French before. And the fact that we're not allowed to speak english. Not even to ask a question. Well, here's my thinking. If I'm confused and need to ask a question, I'm not going to know how to say it in French to ask the question in the first place!! If I did, I wouldn't have a question. Plus there are the people who have had French in high school or what have you and are taking this class as a review.
. . . I haven't been working. At first, I didn't work because I was still heated about what happened. Now I'd like to work cause I need money, but I can't. Yes, there are times when I get out of class in time to go to work, but I can't sit at work for 8 hours, get out at 11, and still have time to get my school things done for the next day. There's just no way. I'd be awake till 4 every morning and that would end poorly. So if anyone would like to donate to the starving student fund, please feel free.
. . . Justin is officially in California. It's hard. It's sad too. But we're already counting the days. Sometimes I feel like it's so far way till May, and at other times, it doesn't seem so bad. We talk every day. Usually 3 or 4 times a day. Plus text.
. . . Mimi is still mental. She has her good days and her bad days. I guess every child does. I think she's currently under the bed. Weirdo.
. . . A frog tried to plan an attack on me the other night. Amanda and I were outside playing cards and a big ass bastard frog started climbing the wall right behind my head. Luckily Amanda knows my phobia and clamly told me to move. Not a minute later, the bastard jumped right across where I was sitting!!!! Ass.
. . . Been a week and still no shuttle. I think tomorrow is the last attempt before postphonement. Did I just make that word up?
. . . Okay I'm gonna stop rambling now. I'm sure I'll think of something new and important to say as soon as I post this.