Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Next Semester

. . . Well, I should be heading off to my last Disney shift in a moment but I figure I'll put up a little post since it's been a few days. Last shift because I dropped my avalibility. Not because I got fired. Well, they tried but failed in that little area. It's a long story. Maybe I shall write about it later for all you people who I know are about to jump out of your seats with curiosity.
. . . Anyway, I have an absolutely favorite show. For those of you out there who have never seen Grey's Anatomy, watch it, remember it, love it, and pass the greatness along. It's on Sudays at 10 eastern 9 pacific. Just before the local news. If you feel that you won't understand what's going on cause the season already started, there is a beautiful thing called a website that can help you. On it, are pictures, bios, and a synopsis of each episonde so far. Here. I'll make it easy. http://abc.go.com/primetime/greysanatomy/ The theme music even plays in the background. It really is a beautiful thing. It's kind of Chicago Hope meets Ally McBeal meets ER. Plus cmon. Patrick Dempsy. He's just worth watching period. Yum.
. . . So Rollins has this thing called pre registration. I guess it's just another thing about going to a new school that's totally new to me. You pick out the classes you want, submit them on-line, and then have to meet with your advisor. The advisor will then re-submit your classes and only then will you be registered. How strange. I guess I just think about how many students are at UH and think that there's no way for each person to meet with their advisor. Anyway, I think I've picked the classes I want. It was a lot harder than it may seem. For some reason, the Sociology department only has 4 professors. One of them just happens to be on sabatical this year so there are only 3 professors. This means that there are only a total of about 6 sociology classes being offered next semester. Now of that, one is an intro class, one I've already taken, and two are senior seminars. So as it turns out, I'll be taking two sociology classes, a psychology class, and english class . . . and golf! I know I know. I never thought I'd like golf either, but I think it could be fun.
. . . Okay. I should head off to work now. My last show awaits! I still need to write about how useless I am at Target, how I almost got fired, and what's the deal with the weather! Gee. I should like a wealth of knowledge when in reality, it's all useless information.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Danny and I finally broke up....for real. I am just broken right now. I miss you much...and Jooly Boobies Juu.....TTYL.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005 10:06:00 AM  

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