Thursday, November 17, 2005

Super Phone

. . . So in all my haste yesterday I forgot to post about my super phone. Yes. I have an amazing phone. Well, before I started one of my naps on the couch the other day when I thought I was dying, I thought it would be a good idea to put my phone next to me. I had a cup of water on the floor next to the couch incase I got thirsty. I bet you all know where this story is going, but of course with my luck, the phone slips off the couch and lands directly into the cup without spilling the water. So I jump up as fast as I can and rescue the poor drowning phone. Now just as a side note, I JUST got this phone a couple of months ago so I was really sad that I may have killed it so soon. Anyway, I take the battery off and try to dry it the best I can. And the poor thing is about dead. Everytime I put the battery back on, the screen would flash for a bit, then it would go off again. So I decided that since it was only in the water for maybe 3 seconds, I'd give it a while to dry and re-activate my old phone in the meantime. Well, guess what? Yesterday afternoon, my super phone decided that it wanted to work again. So it's now re-activated and I'm back to my new phone. Yea me!!
. . . Oh! I learned something very interesting today. Did you know that you can get arrested for throwing trash in a dumpster that isn't yours? Like any random dumpster? What is that?? It's just trash! It's not like you're taking the trash out of the dumpster and stealing it! You're throwing trash in the dumpster! But yeah. You can get arrested for it. So all of you people who use other people's dumpsters, beware!!!
. . . Okay. That's it. All the useless information I have for the day.


Blogger Kristy said...

So, as it turns out, you can also get a ticket at a meter if you stay past the posted limit, even if you put more money in. Apparently meters are no different than "2 hour parking" zones except you have to pay. If you pay again at the end of your two hours, you could still get a ticket. The crazy traffic cops in Boston walk around and don't even check the meters - they write down lisence plate numbers and after 2 hours you get a ticket. Crap.

I think the dumpster thing is this: whoever owns that dumpster has to pay someone to come empty the dumpster, and if you put your trash in there, then you're using a service they pay for without paying for it yourself. Kinda like "stealing" your neighbor's wireless internet. But it's silly, I agree.

Also, in Boston, you can get arrested (or at least a ticket) for putting household trash into a city trash can (like the ones on the street for the stuff you get while out and about). So if you take your trash from your kitchen and put it in one of those, they'll slam ya.

And these aren't even the weird laws! In Pennsylvania, if more than 4 unmarried women live in the same residence (discounting dorms), it's a brothel. Same for more than 6 in Massachusetts. Weird.

Glad you're feeling better! Miss you! SMOOCHES! (And "Schmuh"s!)


Friday, November 18, 2005 11:18:00 AM  

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