Wednesday, November 16, 2005


. . . So I had some kind of 24 hour bug that whooped my ass yesterday. It all started at 3:30 am when I woke up from my no so peaceful sleep to puke my guts out. Then I drank some water and tried to go back to sleep. !0:00 rolls around and I get up to get ready for school. Again, I puke my guts out. The good news being this time it was only water. So I start my drive to school and notice that my back is hurting. I couldn't find a comfortable way to sit cause no matter what I did, it hurt. But then again, when I was standing, I felt like I was going to fall down. I was afriad to eat or drink anything cause I REALLY didn't want to have to puke at school so I was getting dehydrated and I couldn't stay home cause I had something due. So needless to say, it was not a fun class yesterday. So I drive home, my back now hurting more, and collapse on the couch. The only position that was comfortable at this point was the fetal position with no movement what so ever. Well, I woke up at around 6:30ish and my feet and legs were on fire. I didn't have the burning eyes that usually acompany a fever, but lo and behold, 102.1. The rest of the night was spent breaking the fever.
. . . Today has been much better mostly. I don't feel like my back is breaking, I haven't puked in a day, and I don't think I have much of a fever anymore. But my head is POUNDING!!! I took some Advil awhile ago. It would be really nice if it kicked in. I think I shal take a little nap. That might make me feel better. Yea nap. Bye!


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