Saturday, November 26, 2005


. . . We got back from Atlanta last night. Well, more like EARLY this morning. Left around 9:30pm then drove slow and took a lot of breaks just to be safe. Took us 4 hours to get to the border. That's a long time. Anyway, we got back to Orlando at around 5:30am. I tried really REALLY hard to stay awake the whole time. Really. I finally lost the battle with sleep at around 4. I know we were well into Florida at the time. I found that I would think I was awake until I felt Justin's hand on my forehead pushing my head back up. It was really pathetic. I don't think I like that overnight drive but I guess you do what you gotta do huh? I'm glad we got to spend Thanksgiving up there.
. . . So Christmas officially started today. People can start putting up decorations and listening to Christmas music and it's all good cause that's the next holiday to come up. It just bothers me when right after Halloween, Christmas things start popping up. That's not okay. You can't just forget about Thanksgiving. It's time for me to think about my Christmas music purchase. For the past few years, I've made 1 Christmas CD purchase for the season. My collection is getting quite extensive. I made CD's for people last year, but I don't think anyone but me listened to them so I don't think I shal be making them again.
. . . I'm kinda sad. I slept for most of the day since we didn't get home till early morning. Justin left for work and I got things done around the house. But truth be told, I'm sad I missed the "Black Friday" sales. I know there's a few still happening tomorrow, but the hardcore shoppers would have braved the craziness and gotten it done. Damn. I want to go shopping. I mean I REALLY want to go shopping. Not to say that I have money to spend cause I don't. But I think it would be a good idea to "look" at things I could potentially get people for Christmas. Not to mention if I go shopping tomorrow and there are really good sales on such potential Christmas gift items, I may have to get them. You never know if the sale is going to be that good ever again. EVER.
. . . So I think that's the plan for tomorrow. Get some shopping done. Then get some homework done. Sounds productive to me. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving . . . now welcome to Christmas!


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