Friday, February 24, 2006


. . . So this is my first attempt at putting pictures in this blogging thing so here we go. Look!! WooHoo!!! I got a new car!! I love it and it's awesome. I had a sad moment today though. The odometer officially rolled over to 1000 miles. It was a little sad. She's officially broken in at 600 miles, but reaching that four digit moment was hard.
. . . I have another baby too, but the pictures I have didn't show up very well here. I got a puppy last Saturday. The plan was to go look at the humane society to see the ADULT dogs. I wasn't really planning on bringing one home on Saturday. Just looking and figuring out what kind and what size and all that good stuff. And again, we were only looking at ADULT dogs. 2-5 years. ADULT. So anyway, we go to the humane society and look at the dogs. Find one we really like, and take her card up to the desk. Well, the lady there just wasn't a very pleasent person. She said to come back the next day cause the dog we wanted wouldn't be gone. So Amanda and I decide to go to the PetSmart by our house cause they usually have pictures of adoptable pets there. Well, we walk in, and there's a sign up that says adoptions today. Needless to say, we brought home a dog. No no. Correction. A puppy. What happened to the whole thing with wanting an adult dog?? I have no idea. She was the last one they had there. Everyone else had gotten adopted. There was only a $50 adoption fee and she came with 6 months of heart worm medicine plus puppy classes and a few toys. Over all, I made out since classes alone are $100. So far, things are going okay. It's a lot of work with a puppy. We're her third home so she has a bad case of separation anxiety. We kennel her so she doesn't destroy the house. She cries . . . a lot . . . when we leave and piddles in her kennel. Can't get mad though. If I got passed around 3 times in my first year, I'd be scared too. I thought getting her a dog bed was a good idea but I don't know why I wasted the money since she sleeps with me. She's brown all over with black eye liner around her eyes. Her name is Mimi since that means ears in Japanese. Her ears stick straight out like airplane wings. They don't know whether they want to stand up or sit down or what. It's so rewarding to have a dog and at the same time, it's such work. I'll put a picture of her up when I take one with my camera. The pictures from my phone just aren't working out.
. . . That's pretty much all that's been going on lately. Doesn't sound like much, but with school and work, I'm busy busy! Hope anyone who actually reads this is doing well!


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