Sunday, April 02, 2006


. . . So I got a comment on my last post about peeps. If you haven't read it, you should. Anyway, I decided to write this in response to that comment. Krash has a theory that you can't just eat one peep. If you start eating them, you have to eat the whole row and that it bothers her when you can see the white from the marshmallow poking through. I think I'd have to agree with her. They're made as a set. It's like they're a group and you have to eat them together. They have to be with their friends. Or maybe that's just my excuse to eat all four of them at once. Whatever works. I will say this though. I enjoy the bunnies the best. I'm not picky about the color, but the bunnies are just the easiest to eat. There's an even distribution between the marshmallow and the sugar. Yup. That's it.
. . . That's pretty much all I have to say for tonight. It hasn't been all that interesting of a week. Randomness over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, it really must have been a boring week if all you could talk about was PEEPS!!

Monday, April 03, 2006 5:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Krash's Mom: Have you tried putting two chicken peeps on a paper plate facing each other and putting them into the microwave to 10 seconds? (No more than 10 unless you want a HUGE MESS!) :-)

Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:25:00 PM  

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