Monday, November 07, 2005

Good and Bad News

. . . Well, first off, I win. I so win! Notice how there's a picture on my profile now? It took me forever but I finally figured it out. The picture is from the luau we went to when we were back home. Mmm. Luau. That makes me hungry.
. . . So as it turns out, there is a very real possiblity that I may be homeless on December 29. Okay not really but our apartment complex sucks. They suck bad. We've started looking at houses to rent. Amanda's old roomate Gina also lives in our apartment complex and they're screwing her over too so the three of us may end up living together. There's good and bad to it I think. The main bad thing is that we have to move . . . again. I hate moving. I like being in the new place, but I hate the moving part. Plus, we may have to move farther. But that doesn't bother me too much. The good thing is that Gina has a dog. I really miss having a dog in the house.
. . . I really want to go to Vegas. That's another thing this stupid apartment thing is messing with. Stupid apartment. We're going to talk to them today. I don't think it will accomplish anything, but at least it will tell us how fast we have to find somewhere new. We've decided that we're not staying there any longer than we have to, but it would be nice to have more than 30 days.
. . . I got one of my Christmas presents. Actually, I got two of my Christmas presents. I'm not expecting anything from my parents. I'm currently in the process of "testing" both presents cause I have to make sure they work before the return period ends. I can't do more than "test" though cause that would mean I opened my presents early and that would just be wrong and I would NEVER do that. =) Anyway, Dad, I love my camera. It takes really good pictures and it's small enough to put in my pocket. Mom, the Dell DJ is awesome. I find that the most expesive thing is the addons. The music and such. But it's not too bad.
. . . So, more than one person has said that reading this blog is like listening to me talk. I've thought a little about ways I could change that, but I haven't come up with any answers. I think my next project will be to put some pictures in the actual messages. We'll see when that happens.
. . . It's been pretty uneventful around here. Well except for school and work. I guess those are constants. School is getting more time consuming. I think these professors assume that everyone that goes here only does school. I guess that's what I get for going to a little private school that requires all freshmen and sophomores to live on campus. As for work, it's pretty much the same. I learn something new everyday. I've never met so many people in one place that were on antipsychotic drugs. There are still those that I just want to punch when no one is looking. There's one kid who doesn't follow structure at all. When he's at the shelter he acts up and says he hates it. He has a serious attitude problem and sometimes, I just want to kick him out to get him out of my face. But then there's always that one kid who thanks you at the end of the day and it all seems worth it. I intaked a youth last night that moved from Philadelphia. He's from a bad area and came down here for a new start. Since coming to Orlando, he's had everything stolen. While doing his intake, he pulled a knife and brass knuckles out of his pocket. He didn't try to lie or hide them, just handed them in when I told him about the drugs and weapons policy. Honestly, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley. But he was really nice when I was talking to him and he seeems to really want to get his life together. And at the end of the night, he thanked me for picking him up, doing his intake and helping him out.
. . . Now for the moral of this message. What have we all learned from reading my rambling?
1. I win!!
2. Our apartment complex sucks big time. If you or anyone you know is thinking of living somewhere that ZOM owns, don't do it!!!
3. I really want to go to vegas. Again, my apartment complex sucks.
4. I'm "testing" two Christmas presents. Yes. "TESTING"
5. Look forward to pictures. And picture me talking when you read these.
6. Last but not least, somtimes the school work seems like it's never going to end. Sometimes you may want to kill the people at your job. But there's always that one person or that one moment that makes it all worth while. For me, it was the big bad ass who thanked me before bed time.
. . . Thank you. The End . . . for now.


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