Friday, January 20, 2006

Theories on Drugs, Ads, and Shakespeare

. . . Well, it's that time again. There hasn't been an amazing amount of things going on since the last post but school started again so I guess that's pretty interesting. So far, so good. Three of my four classes seem really interesting. Drugs and Addictions (minus the annoying guy who just won't shut up) is awesome. We watched part of a video on a heroin addict. I never realized how much there is to know about drugs. Shakespeare is Shakespeare. I haven't had to read one of his plays since I was in high school. I think it will be interesting. The only problem I have with that class is that the book weighs like 40 pounds or something. Culture and Society will keep me busy. I took a Dr. Glennon class last semester and there was always something that had to get done. I like her though cause she isn't just interested in the poverty or social class aspect of sociology. She does stuff like work with animals and read trash magazines to see how pop culture affects our everyday lives. Last but not least . . . okay, maybe least, Sociological Theories. It is required for my degree. And that's all I have to say about that class. At least I know the professor and I know how he runs the class. There's going to be no surprises but it's not going to be easy either.
. . . I got some fun mail the other day. My diploma from Valencia arrived. It's kinda cool. It's been a long time since I've gotten a diploma and yet I'm not that excited about it. I know it's an accomplishment to have recieved it and now I can officially say that I have some kind of a degree, but since I'm trying to get my BA from Rolins, I don't feel all that much about it. There's an option to walk in commencement in May, but I don't think I want to. I'd rather save that honor for my 4 year. I mean, it's only gonna take me 7 years to get it. That should stand for something.
. . . Amanda has been in California since Tuesday. It's been really quiet around here. Sophie and Monty just aren't that great in the conversation department. It's funny that when I lived by myself I loved it and now that I don't, I miss having someone to talk to. She get's home tomorrow.
. . . That's pretty much it. I already have homework to do. Sending out my thank you cards this weekend. I appologize for my tardiness in that matter. It's been kind of a crazy month.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Late Entry

. . . Wow. . . I am long past due for an update. If this were to happen at work, we would have to write late entry before writing the case note. Hence the title of the blog.
. . . Anyway, life has been pretty boring. Well, sort of. The house is put together. I have yet to take pictures though. But I promise they're coming soon! Please keep on reminding me or I'll forget to post them. Now that all our things are in here, I love it. The house is the perfect size for two people. Everything has a home and it looks great.
. . . I just got a paycheck for about 80 hours at work. It was nice. Especially since there's some overtime in it. I've never had a paycheck like that before. Sure did have to work for it though.
. . . School starts on Wednesday. I'm not entirely excited about it, but at least I can say that we're the last school to start back up again, so I had the longest break. Yea private school!! I try to look at it from the point of view that the sooner I go back to school, the closer I am to graduation. I always used to think graduation was so far away, but I think I can actually start to taste it. I can't wait. Speaking of graduation, I checked on the Valencia website a few nights ago, and my degree has officially been awarded. No idea when they're actually going to mail it out, but at least I know that I can send my final transcripts over and I never have to worry about taking a class at Valencia again. Thank goodness!! And no. I will not be walking in the Valencia graduation. I just think it's lame. Sorry if I offended anyone with that comment, but if you knew the school, you wouldn't walk either.
. . . My phone officially crapped out on me. The really sad thing is that I loved this phone. It did really cool things, and I had really cool stuff on it. Fun pictures, and even a little 15 second video from the Bare Naked Ladies concert. Not to mention all the phone numbers. It's going to suck trying to get all those back again. But alas, the phone is no longer. I was in the potty at work, and the phone fell out of my pocket and hit the floor. Now, you know I'm not that tall, so the distance from my jacket pocket to the floor isn't that far. But I guess it had just had enough after the fall into the water cup the day I was sick. Too bad it wasn't a phone I hated cause at least then I wouldn't be sad about it. I'd just get a new one and move on with life. Anyway, until tomorrow morning, I re-activated my old phone. This is the same thing I did last time. But this time I'm going to the Verizon store for a replacement. Yea horray for phone insurance. Funny thing is when I got this phone, I almost cancelled the insurance thing cause I thought I'd never use it. But then when I was in line, I heard a bunch of people talking about how their phones had been in accidents and they had to pay retail price for a new phone cause they didn't have it. Well, it's a good thing I heard the horror stories!!! Anyway, moral of the story, phone I love is broken, phone I was using is activated, going to Verizon tomorrow.
. . . Oh! This is kind of a fun story. Mom, you'll appreciate this. I was at work one night and I get a text message from Amanda telling me that if I have time, I should ask a certain youth what his favorite book is. So I'm thinking to myself, what an odd question. Maybe she's going to bring this youth a book. So I pull this kid aside and ask him very quietly what his favorite book is. And to my shock and amazement, he says Watchers by Dean Koontz. Whoa!! I didn't know anyone else knew about that book! It is my all time favorite Koontz book. It's the book I compare all other Koontz books to. Oh but the story gets better. I find out that this youth has an autographed copy!!!! I am so jealous. So if any of you who read this blog actually like reading real books, go out and find Watchers. Good luck though cause it's hard to find in bookstores. But trust me. Well worth your time.
. . . Other than that, life has been pretty calm. I've been trying to take it easy since I know things are going to get crazy again real soon. This was my last 40 hour week. I drop back down to 3 nights. Hopefully I'll be able to handle that. We'll see how it goes.
. . . That's pretty much it for now. I think the stories above are not in chronological order but too bad. I'm tired and worked a double today. I'm surprised I'm functioning enough to even write this. TIll next time!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Wrapping Up and Work Stories

. . . So I figure everyone else I know has had a blog where they wrapped up 2005. Let's see. It's been a very interesting year. I can't say that it was a horrible year like many others I know. But I can't say that's been an awesome year either. I guess everything that has happened has been a learning experience and I can't say that I'd take any of it back. After all, aren't people always saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? I figure it would just be a good idea to take everything that has happened, learn from it, and move on. Yeah. And that's my wrap-up on 2005. If anyone has any questions, feel free to inquire within.
. . . Now for my work story. I think it's funny that girls living in a shelter think they have it all figured out. Some of them think they're so smart and know all the answers. Here's a story . . . I was watching one of the youth's babies. The baby is only six weeks old so she's still just eatin, sleepin, and poopin. Well, we were at the eatin stage so I was giving her a bottle. Two youth were sitting in the office with me and one other staff member. A third youth walked in, looked at me, and made the comment that I should have a baby. My response was no. I'm not ready to have kids right now. At this point, the two youth that were sitting in the office proceded to tell me that it didn't matter whether or not I was ready and that kids aren't planned. They just happen. Then one of them said she was glad she was 16 when she had her daughter. Um, hello!! She's now 21 with a 5 year old, living in a shelter, and has relatives looking after her daughter. Not to mention she's dating a known crack addict. The other youth in the office tried to say that she was with her ex-boyfriend for three years, never used protection, and never got pregnant. Then had an oops with her daughter. Now, this youth is still legally married, has a 7 month old daughter, and is dating another youth in the shelter. Hello?? These two are going to try and give me advice and tell me about decisions I can and can't make?? No seriously. Are you kidding me?
. . . Oh! This is kinda funny though. One of the guys says that of all the staff, he'd choose to be with either me or Amanda. He also said that he'd win his way into our hearts with free Chalupas and Mexican Pizzas since he works at Taco Bell. I mean, I do enjoy the Taco Bell, but that's just funny.
. . . I don't think I have any more fun work stories. I kicked one kids ass in thumb wrestling but that's not really an accomplishment.
. . . The big move is on for Wednesday. Or at least that's the plan as of right now. So far it's just Scott and his brother. I'm worried about that. I mean, the beds aren't bad but the couches are REALLY heavy. We'll see how it goes. The truck is ordered and awaiting pick up. At least all we have left are the couches, the box springs and the mattresses.
. . . I'm still working 40 hours until school starts up again. I haven't really had a winter break but it's okay. The money is good and I'm sure as hell going to take some time off during the summer for some R and R.
. . . Wow. My life is boring. I'm going now. Bye!