Tuesday, November 08, 2005


. . . So, I don't know if these would be considered things that have been accomplished, but here's a few things that I did today.
1. I met with my academic advisor. My schedule for next semester has been approved and now I just have to wait and see if I got into the classes I wanted. Everyone cross your fingers.
2. Booked my trip to Vegas. I know there's a lot going on with the moving and all that, but I really want to go to Vegas. I haven't gone in a few years. And I'll only be gone for a few days.
3. I think we may have found a tentative house. It's in Hunters Creek for those of you who know where that is. It's a little more expensive, but it's a house. NO more worrying about whether the apartment complex we're in will go condo. NO more assholes to deal with in the office.
. . . Yeah. I think that's it. I know it doesn't seem like anything amazing, but I think that's a lot for today. Now this is cutting into my sitting around time before I start studying. So I'm going for now. Enjoy!


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