Friday, October 28, 2005

Feelin Like An Idiot

. . . Have you ever had a moment where you felt like a total idiot, but there was nothing you could do about it? Well, I find that ordering coffee at Starbucks is one of those moments. It is much like calling into work. Both situations make you feel like a complete moron. Take calling in to work first. You dial the number, and while the phone is ringing, plan in your head everything you want to say. (Hi. This is Audra Tanigawa and I'm calling in sick/personal today. I'm scheduled DCT + SPM.) But then the infamous answering machine beep happens and suddenly, you have no idea what your name is. All that comes out is an uhh . . . Ordering at Starbucks is much the same. You stand in line and while waiting for all the people in front of you, think about exactly what you want. (Venti Iced Peppermint Mocha, No Whip) But then you get to the front of the line, and suddenly your tounge is too big for your mouth. So, to all of you Starbucks workers out there, and all the people who have to listen to the messages of people calling in, no, I'm not an idiot. I think the problem is I'm given too much time to think about what I want to say.

. . . So I was looking at my posts and noticed that the font is really small. Do any of you out there think I should make it bigger?

. . . Okay. A test awaits. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


And how could I forget??

Happy Birthday Alyssa!!
Happy Birthday Misty!!

What I Learned In School

. . . So I find that throughout the day, I think of brilliant and witty things to say in my posts. And then when I get home, I find that whatever I was thinking about during the day is miraculously gone from my head when I sit in front of a computer. Anyway, here's a list of the things I learned in school today.

1. Only 1% of the entire population in the United States actually lives in the upper class.
2. 40% of the kids who go to Rollins actually comes from this upper class. (What is that all about?)
3. It is thought that kids who go to private schools get a better education than kids who go to public schools.
4. 60% of the kids who go to Rollins actually went to a private school.
5. One of the girls in my class doesn't have to work, has a credit card that she lives off of that her parents pay for, and her parents pay full tuition.

. . . Now what have I learned from all this you may ask? I have learned that I am amongst a very small minority. Not just because my eyes happen to be slanted, but also because not only do I have to work, I have to pay bills, and I'm going to be in debt when I get out of college. I will therefore have no chance of getting out of the so called "social class" that I have been placed into. Again, what is that all about??

. . . On a lighter note, one of my professors is the token cat lady. You know how every good small town has a cat lady? Usually the old scary lady down the street who has a million cats indoors and out? Yeah. That's one of my professors. She has a cat clock. Instead of numbers, there are cats. She even had her cat have accupuncture. Yikes! Speaking of the cat lady, I have an exam in her class tomorrow. I suppose studying for it would be a good option. Oh! But before I go, my roomate got a horse yesterday! I shall post pictures of it later.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

First and foremost . . .

Happy Birthday Mom!

Okay. More later.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Wild Weather

. . . Well, I will say this. There were things that President Duncan was correct about. But not everything. He was right in that the afternoon was beautiful. Cold, but beautiful. More about that later. I don't think he was right in saying that just because 80% of the student body lives on campus, that everyone can go to school because we're not in danger. I think he forgot that his entire faculty and staff drives to work. And what about the 20% of us that do commute? What about our safety? I thought that was a little hateful. But what of Wilma now you may be asking yourself. Well, she is currently off the coast of Florida and racing her way at 30 miles an hour away from land. Apparently there's a system up north that she's going to combine with and the New England states are in for some nasty weather in the next few days. Funny thing though. There's a new named storm right behind her. I wonder what tropical depression Alpha is going to bring us. Rumor has it that it won't develop. It's still hard for me to believe that we've had so many storms out here that the naming people had to go back to the top of the alphabet!! Now what have I been doing since this whole Wilma thing happened? Well, there was school this morning. Then I came home and took a nap. Well deserved I do believe. Oh! And I got the stupid time stamp thing figured out. There was no option for eastern standard time, but a million other options so I had to figure out which one was compatable. I think I ended up with America/New York or something like that. I know I know. Sounds easy right? Let me tell you. America/Solidad was one of the options. So chosing the correct one wasn't exactly easy when there were so many listings under America that weren't even part of the US!! So have I mentioned that it's cold? And it didn't gradually get this way. It was sudden and out of nowhere. I think the high tonight is supposed to be 48 degrees or something like that. At least I won't be hot. And it looks like I'll be staying indoors. Well, homework awaits. I should probably do that. Till next time, stay warm and dry! P.S. the ability to recover posts is the best new thing. Apparently blogger is having some technical difficulties and is unable to post my blog at the moment. Luckily, I can go back and recover it instead of rewriting the whole thing. Woo Hoo!!

. . . Well, it's official. Hurricane Wilma is upon us. Funny thing though. I'm still in school. What is that all about? Every other school in the entire county and all the counties surrounding us are closed. Not to mention themeparks including Disney and Universal are also closed. Come on now. If theme parks are closing, it can't be a good thing. But what did I do this morning? Drag my butt out of bed, get dressed, figure out which clothes will keep me the driest and warmest throughout the day, pack my things, get in my car, and drive through a hurricane to school. Granted, we didn't get a direct hit, it's still pretty nasty out here. If I had a camera with me, I'd take a picture. Somehow, the president of student affairs seems to think that by this afternoon it will be sunny and will turn out to be a lovely day. Well president Duncan, it's now 11:30, and it's still pretty rainy. In fact, I just walked past a TV, and the hurricane is still overhead. We're supposed to continue to get bands and the wind is supposed to pick up. One of my professors got smart and said that class was optional. I may as well go though since I'm here. The only other person who I know that had to drag themselves out of bed too is Justin. Poor guy had to drive through the hurricane at 6:30 this morning. At least I got a warning to leave early cause the roads are flooded. Yup. You heard right. The roads are flooded. Don't worry though. My little car and I made it through okay. I did notice something new about my little car today though. When it rains really hard, the liner on the inside gets damp. Now that can't be good can it? I think I have the car cancer. (Rust) Damn. Well, that's all for now. I'm hungry. I'll update again on the flip side of this hurricane mess.

. . . So, I've decided to start a blog so everyone can keep up with the wonder that is my life. I know it's not all that interesting, but I don't get to talk to everyone as much as I would like to. Things are really busy around here and this is a quick and easy way to let everyone know how I'm doing. I can't promise that there will be an update every day . . . or every other day for that matter. But check periodically and you may see something interesting.