Thursday, December 29, 2005

Finally . . . Sort Of

. . . So I know it's been awhile since I've been able to post a decent update. Incase you haven't been keeping up with the posts, we're moving. So we've had to switch all of our appliances over from the old apartment to the new house. Our phone line has been cut off for 2 weeks now. Since we have DSL, our internet has also been cut off. Let me tell you. It's like losing an arm I never knew I had. I never realized how much I relied on the internet for everything. Anyway, the two previous posts were done at work in a moment of peace. Those come few and far between so I don't get to write anything extensive. We moved both desks over to the house and I set up both computers but when it came time to set up the internet, I ran into problems. They're sending out the internet fixer man on Friday. Yea!!
. . . How far have we gotten with the actual move? It's strange. We move all this stuff over, and the house seems empty so it makes me feel like we didn't do much. Then we go back to the apartment, and it looks so empty. Anyway, both desks and computers are gone. The kitchen is almost empty. Both storage closets are empty. The bathrooms are almost empty. Two of the three TV's are gone. The TV stand, microwave stand, my night stand, and the coffee table are all gone. The book shelves are gone along with all the books and movies. And so far, we've done it all my ourselves. Amanda and I have had no help so far. Pretty good huh??
. . . Work is the same. Stressfull. The kids make me nuts. But still a learning experience and I enjoy what I do. There's some drama with staff but I guess that's to be expected everywhere. The good news being that the people starting the drama are going to hang themselves cause administration is catching on.
. . . Justin and I have started talking again. And that's all anyone really needs to know right now.
. . . That's pretty much it. My life is pretty much filled with the same old stuff. I'll try to do a better job of updating. We'll see how that goes. It'll be easier once our DSL is working again. I hope all is well and everyone had a great Christmas!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

. . . Merry Christmas!!! Don't really have much time to write an extensive post. I'm doing this at work in some free time. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and I'll be back on line soon!!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Busy Busy Busy

. . . So sorry if I seem MIA. We're in the middle of moving and out internet got turned off. When we're in the new house, I'll post with pictures. If I don't get to talk to you, please have a very Mery Christmas!!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

From Vegas to Paint . . .Paint Paint Everywhere

. . . First off, I would just like to state that red paint sucks. But more on that later. I should really start from where I left off on the last blog.
. . . Vegas was awesome. Well, it didn't start out that way only because I was losing my ass. I think I had a list of 5, maybe 6 casinos that all felt that my money was a donation. Um, hello, I was thinking more along the lines of investment. Anyway, then we went to the Aladdin, and all of a sudden, my luck turned around. My dad says that the luck tides come in 6 hour increments and if your tide is out, there's nothing you can do but wait it out. That was kinda off track. So yeah. After that I started doing really well. Can't say I can buy a house with my winnings, but I sure can pay for some of the moving costs of the one we're renting.
. . . Which brings me to my next topic. The hosue we're moving into is cute, but I wasn't what you would call excited to move there. I knew that it would work out and we needed something, and that was in our price range, but I wasn't really excited about moving. I guess I just don't like the whole moving process. Then again who does? Sorry. Off track. The house had this purpleish, pinkish paint in what they called a living room. (We will be using it as an entryway) The paint was nasty and it made the house look washed out. The bedrooms were painted a nasty pale yellow. So we decided that we were going to paint because we couldn't live in that kind of a color scheme. The livingroom was to have a dark beige color to it, with a focus wall opposite the kitchen with the same red color that was in the kitchen. Amanda's room was to have a light beige color, with a red focus wall, and my room was to have the same light beige color, but with a blue focus wall. (For those of you who actually know both of us, these colors match us perfectly) Anyway, we went to buy paint this morning, which was an ordeal in itself, and started painting. Now, the color on the little sample paper things, didn't look anything like the colors that ended up on the walls. Luckily, the living room has almost a gold tinge to it and it looks REALLY good with the red focus wall. The bedroom beige is lighter than expected, and the red is brighter than we expected. Everything worked out well though.
. . . But red paint still sucks. When using rollers, we found that the trick is to apply very light pressure and a LOT of paint. It's hard to cover the little holes and make look good. It's just a hard color to paint with. I was told by a friend that it's the hardest color to paint with. (So of course we have it on two walls) Oh! And Krash, when you read this, the shmuh doesn't work with red paint. I tried. I tried hard. And a lot. And it just doesn't work.
. . . I think we shall go back tomorrow and do my room and the computer room. The living room and Amanda's room are both done except for a bit of edging. Had to wait till the paint is dry before pulling all the masking tape off the walls. Found that one out the hard way.
. . . That's the update on my life. Trying to stay busy. Gotta pack. Gotta move. Gotta finish sending out Christmas cards. Although a day to sleep in and do nothing would be awesome. I wonder when the next opportunity for that will be? Speaking of sleep, that sounds awesome. Bye!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I'm Home

. . . Vegas was awesome. I'll update more later. I think for now I shall sleep.

Friday, December 09, 2005


. . . Can everyone please help me in breathing a collective sigh of relief?? Finals for the semester are finally over!!! I went to campus and handed in my final two papers of the semester. Checked my mailbox one last time, and sold back my books. I don't plan on returning to campus until January when I can ask them about my financial aid and tell them where to send my money. Now, bring it on with the winter break!! Granted, it probably won't be all THAT interesting, but at least I won't have to worry about going to class and doing homewor, and writing papers, and taking tests. Yea!
. . . I leave for Vegas tomorrow. Actually, I leave for Vegas in 11 hours. I should probably be packing and figuring out what I want to do on the plane. Instead, I am here updating my blog so all of you loyal readers know what I've been up to since yesterday and plan to do for the next couple of days. Anyway, I'm really excited about Vegas. My dad figured it would be a good way to blow off some end of the semester steam. Good timing if you ask me. Plus, he asks me to meet him all the time and I never have the chance to go. Haven't been in a few years and I figured it was about time I return.
. . . I don't know if I mentioned it already, but we found a house. For those of you who know the area, it's in Williamsburg by Sea World. We saw the house on Wednesday night and decided to take it. The land lords took two days to figure out a contract and lease and we went back to the house today to sign the papers. We even got our keys today! So the house is officially ours. It's a really cute three bedroom. Plus, it sorta has two living rooms. Gas range and side by side fridge. The closets are a little smaller than what I'm used to, but there's always a third closet to utilize if the need arises. Plus, the closets have fun shelving in them. I can ALWAYS use that. The next time we go to the house during the day, I'll take some pictures and perhaps post them. Oh! And if anyone that reads this is in the area and would like to help with the moving process, all help is greatly appreciated and there might even be some incentive to helping.
. . . So I've been reading other people's blogs. I find that my blog is somewhat lame. I have heard from a number of people that when they read it, they can actually hear me talking, but I don't have many insightful thoughts or witty comments to share with the world. I don't analyze the people and things that surround me. I don't look introspectively at my life and then write about it. All I do is update on what has been going on in my life. Now and again, I may have something interesting to share about what happened in my day but for the most part, my blog is really boring! Now here's the quesiton I have. What do you think? Is my blog too boring? Is there any improvements that you think need to be made? Please let me know. I'm open to suggestions as I am fairly new to this whole blogging thing.
. . . That's it for tonight. I must go work on my Christmas cards and pack. If anyone would like a card and either don't think you're already on the list, or would like to make sure, send me your mailing address to my e-mail account. Or leave it in a comment. Whatever makes you more comfortable.
. . . Okay. For real. Goodnight! See you after Wednesday! . . . Unless I think of something else.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


. . . So, I was looking at my blog and noticed that all the paragraphs and such are blending together. When I type, I add line breaks and hit return between them but somewhere from the time I'm typing to the time the update is published, the line breaks disappear. Not cool. I really don't want to get rid of the justified alignment cause I really like it. So anyway, I decided to add those fun thinking dots before I start paragraphs. That way, if the line breaks disappear, you still know where the new topic starts. That and I usually do have to spend some time thinking between paragraphs.
. . . If you like the new format, let me know. If you really don't like it, let me know about that too. I can see what other changes I can make.


. . . I leave for Vegas in two days. Yea!
. . . I have two exams due tomorrow by noon. I haven't started either one of them and can't seem to find the motivation to crank them out. I know I'll get them done in time cause I always do. But ugh. It would be nice to sit here and have something intelligent to say about sociological methodology or the state of black america.
. . . My christmas cards are bought. If only I had opened them and started writing so I could send them out. I suppose getting addresses would be a good idea also.
. . . I'd like to go shopping. I don't know what to buy. I don't know who to buy for. But I'd still like to go shopping.
. . . There's two presents waiting to be wrapped. I enjoy wrapping presents. My mom used to tell me that I take too long. But it's so pretty when I'm done. If only I could master the art of bows that don't require a scissors to curl them.
. . . I need new bedding. Well, a comforter at least. I need to return the blanket I've been using.
. . . I suppose that's enough procrastinating for now. 23 hours till my exams are due. I think I shall go cut my nails so they stop getting caught in the keyboard. It's getting hard to type.
. . . And that is my list of things that I need or need to do.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Um . . .

. . . So, I haven't said anything as of yet cause I haven't been ready to make any kind of announcements, and I'm not really ready to talk about it, but I just thought I'd let everyone know that Justin and I broke up last Friday. I'm doing okay. Trying to get through this week and finals. Then it's off to Vegas for 4 days. I'm excited about that.
. . . We found a house tonight. No more worrying about our stupid apartment complex and what they're doing. It's in a nice neighborhood and the price is right. Hopefully it will be good.
. . . That's it. Just thought I'd let everyone know.