Tuesday, November 29, 2005


. . . P.S. Vegas in 11 days baby!!!!

Just a Short One

. . . Have you ever had one of those cries where you're crying so hard you can't breathe right and all you can do is try to controll the number of booger bubbles that are coming out of your nose? Have you ever needed a cry like this?? Well, let me just say that watching Extreme Makeover will produce such results. Ty Pennington, I think you're great, and I love your show, and your design team is awesome, and the housese you build are beautiful, but damn. The snot bubbles are getting worse with the week. As for my other favorite show, it was a good week. I didn't cry (which is unusual) but a lot of important things happened. I'm not going to give away the synopsis cause I think everyone should watch.
. . . So this is my last week of school for the semester. Next week is exams. I know I have a lot to do, but at the same time, it doesn't seem like a lot. I didn't get all the classes I wanted for next semester. It's looking like no golf for me. That was kinda sad. But I did get the two SOC classes I needed so I guess I can't complain too much.
I really need to go Christmas shopping. I think I have an idea about the things I want to get for people. For those of you who actually read this, please don't be offended if a Christmas present doesn't come your way. Remember, I'm still a poor college student. And that is where the problem really is. I really want to go shopping, and I really need to go shopping, I just don't have the means to go shopping. And I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to run my credit card up. I've been doing really good at paying it off and not using it. Ugh. I hate being poor.
. . . The house hunt continues. We got a certified mail thing the other day. It was the information about the condos that they're turning this apartment into. For those of you who have seen it, you KNOW that these apartments are NOT worth $214,000. Yup. That's right. So anyway, we saw a really cute house tonight but it's just too far out in the middle of nowhere to consider renting. We're still looking and making phone calls to take looks at places. We have six months to get out of the apartment though so we're not stressing yet. I just don't want to have to be moving during school. That would suck.
. . . I suppose I should change the title of this particular blog. I said it was going to be short. I guess I lied. Oops. Well, this is the end. I need a shower and some sleep. 'Night!

Saturday, November 26, 2005


. . . So I've seen the movie You've Got Mail like a million times. And every single time, I end up crying at the end. What is that about? It's not like I don't know what's going to happen. Thank you TNT for playing the same movies 12 times in a row!! I shal watch again now. And probably end up crying . . . again.


. . . We got back from Atlanta last night. Well, more like EARLY this morning. Left around 9:30pm then drove slow and took a lot of breaks just to be safe. Took us 4 hours to get to the border. That's a long time. Anyway, we got back to Orlando at around 5:30am. I tried really REALLY hard to stay awake the whole time. Really. I finally lost the battle with sleep at around 4. I know we were well into Florida at the time. I found that I would think I was awake until I felt Justin's hand on my forehead pushing my head back up. It was really pathetic. I don't think I like that overnight drive but I guess you do what you gotta do huh? I'm glad we got to spend Thanksgiving up there.
. . . So Christmas officially started today. People can start putting up decorations and listening to Christmas music and it's all good cause that's the next holiday to come up. It just bothers me when right after Halloween, Christmas things start popping up. That's not okay. You can't just forget about Thanksgiving. It's time for me to think about my Christmas music purchase. For the past few years, I've made 1 Christmas CD purchase for the season. My collection is getting quite extensive. I made CD's for people last year, but I don't think anyone but me listened to them so I don't think I shal be making them again.
. . . I'm kinda sad. I slept for most of the day since we didn't get home till early morning. Justin left for work and I got things done around the house. But truth be told, I'm sad I missed the "Black Friday" sales. I know there's a few still happening tomorrow, but the hardcore shoppers would have braved the craziness and gotten it done. Damn. I want to go shopping. I mean I REALLY want to go shopping. Not to say that I have money to spend cause I don't. But I think it would be a good idea to "look" at things I could potentially get people for Christmas. Not to mention if I go shopping tomorrow and there are really good sales on such potential Christmas gift items, I may have to get them. You never know if the sale is going to be that good ever again. EVER.
. . . So I think that's the plan for tomorrow. Get some shopping done. Then get some homework done. Sounds productive to me. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving . . . now welcome to Christmas!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


. . . Well, as it turns out, my class for tomorrow was cancelled so I'm off from school and work until Sunday. Justin has Wednesday and Thursday off. So we're taking off for Atlanta for 3 days. Actually more like 2 days since a lot of time will be spent driving. But yeah. We're leaving tomorrow around 5 and won't get back till Thursday evening. If I don't talk to you, have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sleeping In

. . . So today was the first time in I don't know how long that I got to sleep in as long as I wanted. There was really nothing that I HAD to do today so I thought I'd treat myslef and sleep in. It's really too bad I didn't enjoy it though cause I sure did jump up at 11am scared cause I thought I missed class. Damn!! And sleeping is one of my favorite things in the world when I can ever get around and find some time to do so. You know, when I'm not being the night owl that I tend to be (thanks a lot mom for passing that one along), or doing homework, or waking up early for one thing or another.
. . . I need to change my oil. The stupid oil light comes on sometimes when I'm driving. It just started though. What makes me mad is the fact that I technically still have 1000 miles and a month before I'm scheduled to go in. PLUS, last time I was there, they used high mileage oil in my car since I'm now up to 86 thousand somethin miles. So shouldn't that oil last longer?? Crazy.
. . . Well, I'm gonna get some sleep tonight. Gotta work again tomorrow. Got called in tonight and out of the kindness of my heart, I actually went in. No. Truth be told, I have no life and Justin was working too.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Oops! I Forgot

. . . Oh! P.S. I feel much better today. The killer headache I had yesterday is almost gone. I can still feel it a little bit but at least I'm functional today and it isn't taking my breath away like it was yesterday. My back no longer hurts. I'm not puking my guts out. I ate real food for the first time in 2 days. And my fever is gone.

. . . For real this time. The End.

Super Phone

. . . So in all my haste yesterday I forgot to post about my super phone. Yes. I have an amazing phone. Well, before I started one of my naps on the couch the other day when I thought I was dying, I thought it would be a good idea to put my phone next to me. I had a cup of water on the floor next to the couch incase I got thirsty. I bet you all know where this story is going, but of course with my luck, the phone slips off the couch and lands directly into the cup without spilling the water. So I jump up as fast as I can and rescue the poor drowning phone. Now just as a side note, I JUST got this phone a couple of months ago so I was really sad that I may have killed it so soon. Anyway, I take the battery off and try to dry it the best I can. And the poor thing is about dead. Everytime I put the battery back on, the screen would flash for a bit, then it would go off again. So I decided that since it was only in the water for maybe 3 seconds, I'd give it a while to dry and re-activate my old phone in the meantime. Well, guess what? Yesterday afternoon, my super phone decided that it wanted to work again. So it's now re-activated and I'm back to my new phone. Yea me!!
. . . Oh! I learned something very interesting today. Did you know that you can get arrested for throwing trash in a dumpster that isn't yours? Like any random dumpster? What is that?? It's just trash! It's not like you're taking the trash out of the dumpster and stealing it! You're throwing trash in the dumpster! But yeah. You can get arrested for it. So all of you people who use other people's dumpsters, beware!!!
. . . Okay. That's it. All the useless information I have for the day.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


. . . So I had some kind of 24 hour bug that whooped my ass yesterday. It all started at 3:30 am when I woke up from my no so peaceful sleep to puke my guts out. Then I drank some water and tried to go back to sleep. !0:00 rolls around and I get up to get ready for school. Again, I puke my guts out. The good news being this time it was only water. So I start my drive to school and notice that my back is hurting. I couldn't find a comfortable way to sit cause no matter what I did, it hurt. But then again, when I was standing, I felt like I was going to fall down. I was afriad to eat or drink anything cause I REALLY didn't want to have to puke at school so I was getting dehydrated and I couldn't stay home cause I had something due. So needless to say, it was not a fun class yesterday. So I drive home, my back now hurting more, and collapse on the couch. The only position that was comfortable at this point was the fetal position with no movement what so ever. Well, I woke up at around 6:30ish and my feet and legs were on fire. I didn't have the burning eyes that usually acompany a fever, but lo and behold, 102.1. The rest of the night was spent breaking the fever.
. . . Today has been much better mostly. I don't feel like my back is breaking, I haven't puked in a day, and I don't think I have much of a fever anymore. But my head is POUNDING!!! I took some Advil awhile ago. It would be really nice if it kicked in. I think I shal take a little nap. That might make me feel better. Yea nap. Bye!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Boring . . . Busy But Boring

. . . There isn't much of an update. My life has been work and school for the past couple of days. In fact, I worked a 10.5 hour day yesterday and had 3 take home exams due this morning. That was fun. I think it's time for a nap.
Till next time . . . peace out!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sunday Shows

. . . So I've been living in Florida since 2001. This is the fifth time I've had to do the changing the clocks thing during winter. And it still throws me off each and every year. It's been dark here since around 5:45. It's now only 8:40, but I feel like it's a lot later cause it's been dark for so long.
. . . I don't think it's healthy for me to watch the ABC Sunday night line-up. Although I just figured out what Desparate Housewives is for! Wait. I'm getting off track. I'll get back to that. Like I was saying, it's not healthy for me to watch the ABC Sunday night line-up. I end up spending two hours crying. It starts with Extreme Makeover Home Edition. For those of you who haven't seen it, it's my second favorite show behind Grey's Anatomy. Anyway, how it works is Ty Pennington and his design team goes and re-builds a house for a deserving family. It's a great show. Then comes Desperate Housewives. Now I don't really watch this show, but I think it's in this time slot for people to recover from the crying of Extreme Makeover. And finally, Greys Anatomy. Refer to a previous post for my opinions on that show.
. . . Now I really need to do homework. Long day tomorrow.


. . . So, I don't know if these would be considered things that have been accomplished, but here's a few things that I did today.
1. I met with my academic advisor. My schedule for next semester has been approved and now I just have to wait and see if I got into the classes I wanted. Everyone cross your fingers.
2. Booked my trip to Vegas. I know there's a lot going on with the moving and all that, but I really want to go to Vegas. I haven't gone in a few years. And I'll only be gone for a few days.
3. I think we may have found a tentative house. It's in Hunters Creek for those of you who know where that is. It's a little more expensive, but it's a house. NO more worrying about whether the apartment complex we're in will go condo. NO more assholes to deal with in the office.
. . . Yeah. I think that's it. I know it doesn't seem like anything amazing, but I think that's a lot for today. Now this is cutting into my sitting around time before I start studying. So I'm going for now. Enjoy!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Good and Bad News

. . . Well, first off, I win. I so win! Notice how there's a picture on my profile now? It took me forever but I finally figured it out. The picture is from the luau we went to when we were back home. Mmm. Luau. That makes me hungry.
. . . So as it turns out, there is a very real possiblity that I may be homeless on December 29. Okay not really but our apartment complex sucks. They suck bad. We've started looking at houses to rent. Amanda's old roomate Gina also lives in our apartment complex and they're screwing her over too so the three of us may end up living together. There's good and bad to it I think. The main bad thing is that we have to move . . . again. I hate moving. I like being in the new place, but I hate the moving part. Plus, we may have to move farther. But that doesn't bother me too much. The good thing is that Gina has a dog. I really miss having a dog in the house.
. . . I really want to go to Vegas. That's another thing this stupid apartment thing is messing with. Stupid apartment. We're going to talk to them today. I don't think it will accomplish anything, but at least it will tell us how fast we have to find somewhere new. We've decided that we're not staying there any longer than we have to, but it would be nice to have more than 30 days.
. . . I got one of my Christmas presents. Actually, I got two of my Christmas presents. I'm not expecting anything from my parents. I'm currently in the process of "testing" both presents cause I have to make sure they work before the return period ends. I can't do more than "test" though cause that would mean I opened my presents early and that would just be wrong and I would NEVER do that. =) Anyway, Dad, I love my camera. It takes really good pictures and it's small enough to put in my pocket. Mom, the Dell DJ is awesome. I find that the most expesive thing is the addons. The music and such. But it's not too bad.
. . . So, more than one person has said that reading this blog is like listening to me talk. I've thought a little about ways I could change that, but I haven't come up with any answers. I think my next project will be to put some pictures in the actual messages. We'll see when that happens.
. . . It's been pretty uneventful around here. Well except for school and work. I guess those are constants. School is getting more time consuming. I think these professors assume that everyone that goes here only does school. I guess that's what I get for going to a little private school that requires all freshmen and sophomores to live on campus. As for work, it's pretty much the same. I learn something new everyday. I've never met so many people in one place that were on antipsychotic drugs. There are still those that I just want to punch when no one is looking. There's one kid who doesn't follow structure at all. When he's at the shelter he acts up and says he hates it. He has a serious attitude problem and sometimes, I just want to kick him out to get him out of my face. But then there's always that one kid who thanks you at the end of the day and it all seems worth it. I intaked a youth last night that moved from Philadelphia. He's from a bad area and came down here for a new start. Since coming to Orlando, he's had everything stolen. While doing his intake, he pulled a knife and brass knuckles out of his pocket. He didn't try to lie or hide them, just handed them in when I told him about the drugs and weapons policy. Honestly, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley. But he was really nice when I was talking to him and he seeems to really want to get his life together. And at the end of the night, he thanked me for picking him up, doing his intake and helping him out.
. . . Now for the moral of this message. What have we all learned from reading my rambling?
1. I win!!
2. Our apartment complex sucks big time. If you or anyone you know is thinking of living somewhere that ZOM owns, don't do it!!!
3. I really want to go to vegas. Again, my apartment complex sucks.
4. I'm "testing" two Christmas presents. Yes. "TESTING"
5. Look forward to pictures. And picture me talking when you read these.
6. Last but not least, somtimes the school work seems like it's never going to end. Sometimes you may want to kill the people at your job. But there's always that one person or that one moment that makes it all worth while. For me, it was the big bad ass who thanked me before bed time.
. . . Thank you. The End . . . for now.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


. . . I have been trying for the last hour to figure out how to put a picture up in the profile. It's pretty obvious by the fact that there is not picture up there that I didn't figure it out. But I'm tired and I have class tomorrow so I guess this gives all of you loyal followers of this blog something to look forward to. Goonight!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Next Semester

. . . Well, I should be heading off to my last Disney shift in a moment but I figure I'll put up a little post since it's been a few days. Last shift because I dropped my avalibility. Not because I got fired. Well, they tried but failed in that little area. It's a long story. Maybe I shall write about it later for all you people who I know are about to jump out of your seats with curiosity.
. . . Anyway, I have an absolutely favorite show. For those of you out there who have never seen Grey's Anatomy, watch it, remember it, love it, and pass the greatness along. It's on Sudays at 10 eastern 9 pacific. Just before the local news. If you feel that you won't understand what's going on cause the season already started, there is a beautiful thing called a website that can help you. On it, are pictures, bios, and a synopsis of each episonde so far. Here. I'll make it easy. http://abc.go.com/primetime/greysanatomy/ The theme music even plays in the background. It really is a beautiful thing. It's kind of Chicago Hope meets Ally McBeal meets ER. Plus cmon. Patrick Dempsy. He's just worth watching period. Yum.
. . . So Rollins has this thing called pre registration. I guess it's just another thing about going to a new school that's totally new to me. You pick out the classes you want, submit them on-line, and then have to meet with your advisor. The advisor will then re-submit your classes and only then will you be registered. How strange. I guess I just think about how many students are at UH and think that there's no way for each person to meet with their advisor. Anyway, I think I've picked the classes I want. It was a lot harder than it may seem. For some reason, the Sociology department only has 4 professors. One of them just happens to be on sabatical this year so there are only 3 professors. This means that there are only a total of about 6 sociology classes being offered next semester. Now of that, one is an intro class, one I've already taken, and two are senior seminars. So as it turns out, I'll be taking two sociology classes, a psychology class, and english class . . . and golf! I know I know. I never thought I'd like golf either, but I think it could be fun.
. . . Okay. I should head off to work now. My last show awaits! I still need to write about how useless I am at Target, how I almost got fired, and what's the deal with the weather! Gee. I should like a wealth of knowledge when in reality, it's all useless information.