Tuesday, January 23, 2007

New Year . . . New Things . . . Sorta

. . . so i guess a lot has happened in the last month. went home for the holidays. that was fun for the most part. except that i didn't get to see all the people i wanted to and found out some kind of disturbing things about other people. well, not disturbing in the big picture sense, but to me it was troubling. and it sucked that i gained weight. now i know that most people shake their heads at a statement like that cause everyone supposedly gains weight over the holidays but seriously. i gained weight. probably cause all i did was eat the whole time i was home and in every free moment. i just couldn't help it. there was so much food that i just can't get here. or i can get it and it's just not the same. overall though, it was a good trip. oh! found out while i was gone that the dog got fleas. not a big deal. they're gone now. it was my first encounter with critters since i've gotten her though. well, critters that live on her as opposed to critters that she brings in the house and wants to keep as friends. not that i like those all that much either. that poor lizard didn't know what hit him.
. . . got back to florida, stayed there for 5 days, packed up the dog, took her to a different sitter, and then took off for vegas! i know i probably should have tied both trips together but it was a long time away from the dog and the trip home was planned a long time before the trip to vegas. anyway, got there in the afternoon and met up with justin who drove up there. dad didn't come in till later that night so we had awhile to have dinner and bum around downtown. it was his first trip so he got to see the splendor that is vegas for the first time. went to see the freemont street experience and met up with family for a little while. didn't make much money, but had a great time. if anyone gets comp rooms at red rock, i'll be more than happy to accompany you to vegas. that hotel is amazing. totally worth being almost 10 miles off the strip. feels like you're in the middle of nowhere but it's beautiful and has incredible amenities. i would live in that bathroom. there's a tv above the tub!!
. . . 2 days after i got back from vegas, school started. so i am once again in the room where i decided to start this whole blogging thing. so far, it's not a bad semester. only taking one sociology class. i don't know if that's going to work out in my favor or not. i don't have as much reading to do, but i'm also not studying as much in the subject that i'm supposed to know the most about. my other three classes are freshman classes that i need as part of my gen ed to graduate. they're relatively easy so far, but it really sucks being the dinosaur in the class. i was 7 when some of these kids were born. that's just sad. i'm also taking a one credit, three week computer class cause i needed one more credit to have the required residency credits at the school. it's nice that it's only for 3 weeks but it's for 2 hours twice a week and it means that the dog is stuck in her kennel for 11 hours while i'm at school. would be less but i have 2 breaks during the day and both of them are 2 hours long. sucks. too long to be fun and not long enough to run home and take care of her. at least i'm trying to get some work done in the times when i'm just sitting around so i have less to do when i get home. hopefully that works out.
. . . there are other things happening but i can't announce them yet. give me another week and a half and i'll be more than happy to let everyone know what i'm talking about. some people know what i'm talking about and for others, it's going to come as a surprise. (don't worry mom. it won't give you a heart attack. you already know about it)
. . . well, gotta go. class is about to start. hope you enjoyed the boring update!

Monday, December 18, 2006

More Wedding Pics

. . . these are from mikey

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Wedding Weekend

. . . amanda's wedding was this past weekend. here's a few pictures. it went great! wish justin coulda been there though. well, enjoy!

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Monday, December 04, 2006

My Brain Is Broken

. . . it's been a long few weeks. it's been awhile since i've written anything. there's been a lot going on. and it's not gonna slow down for awhile. hm, where to start
. . . school is about done. last week was the last week of classes. finals officially started yesterday. i technically had one at 11 am but the professor said we could go to any final she's giving. i'm either going on thursday evening or friday morning. haven't decided yet. depends on how much i can get done before then and how i'm feeling. in the meantime, i have two finals tomorrow. usually i can take finals without really worrying about them. it's just another part about the end of the semester. for some reason though, i'm really kinda worried about the two i have tomorrow. i think that's part of the reason i'm writing this now. i've been studying all day and need a break. i think my brain is broken. okay not really, but i can't think of anything intelligent to put in the paper i'm currently working on. after that, it's one more paper, and that one final i have the option to take on two days.
. . . i moved this past weekend too. probably not the best time to move but i didn't want to have to pay rent in two places. okay not really men, but still. it's not cheap to be paying twice the rent even if it is only for a week. got almost everything moved on friday and friday evening. the big stuff came on saturday. and then yesterdy i got patio furniture and a hutch thing for the living room tv and a vaccum. that's exciting. i got just about everything put away on saturday night. there's still a few things that don't have homes, but that's cause i don't know where they're going to live yet. the boxes in the living room are going back to the house to be re-used. there's two bags of trash that need to go out but i can't exactly leave my apartment till tomorrow.
. . . here's the reason. mimi isn't doing so good. she's not sick or anything but she's not adjusting as well as i'd like her to. she whinees and cries and barks a lot. not that i can really blame her but it's still hard. she's only known the house since i've had her. everytime there was a car or a person there, it was because they were coming to her house. here it's totally different. there's always people walking around and cars coming and going all day. i think it throws her off cause she doesn't know that they live here too. hopefully things will get better. everyone i've talked to says to give her time. it still worries me though. i'm also kinda worried about the fact that i'm going out of town so many times in the next two months. i hope that doesn't mess her up too much.
. . . thanksgiving was awesome. didn't want to come home. met some awesome new people. wish we coulda met earlier. spent time int he store. went to see what hollywood was like. went to the aquarium. fed some lorikeets. little too scared to touch a shark even though i had the chance. plus i didn't want to get wet. good times to be had by all.
. . . other than that, things are okay. health is pretty good. i wish i was in cali already but that can't be helped. i'm super glad it's the chrismas season even though i have no money for presents so sorry about that. doesn't rally feel like christmas yet cause i'm stressed but that will soon change. christmas cards will be going out next week hopefully. if anyone would like one and you don't think i have your address, send it to me.
. . . gotta go back to studying now.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

If Anyone Cares To Know

. . . Yeah so I haven't really been doing a very good job at keeping up with the blogs. Okay. I've actually done a piss poor job at keeping up. There are real reasons for this. It's not that I've just been lazy or don't care. I promise.
. . . School has been back in session for exactly 3 weeks now. It sucks. Not that what I'm learning isn't interesting, but I don't have a whole lot of time for much of anything else. 5 classes with a total of 21 credits isn't an easy thing to keep up with. Especially with the amount of reading that sociology professors require. I'm takin two soc classes. One requirement and one elective. Lots and I do mean LOTS of reading. Plus I have to go to an elementary school once a week for one of my classes. Oh great. Another thing to add to the plate. Good news being that when these are done, all I have is senior seminar and I'm done with my major. Unfortunately, because of a screw up with Valencia, I'm not done with my gen ed courses yet. I've actually got 3 freshman classes this year. Those days suck.
. . . I've learned something very interesting recently. My brain is no longer in a stage where learning language is possible. Okay so maybe it is, but this learning process thing is not going well. It doesn't help that I'm one of the few people in the class who have never spoken French before. And the fact that we're not allowed to speak english. Not even to ask a question. Well, here's my thinking. If I'm confused and need to ask a question, I'm not going to know how to say it in French to ask the question in the first place!! If I did, I wouldn't have a question. Plus there are the people who have had French in high school or what have you and are taking this class as a review.
. . . I haven't been working. At first, I didn't work because I was still heated about what happened. Now I'd like to work cause I need money, but I can't. Yes, there are times when I get out of class in time to go to work, but I can't sit at work for 8 hours, get out at 11, and still have time to get my school things done for the next day. There's just no way. I'd be awake till 4 every morning and that would end poorly. So if anyone would like to donate to the starving student fund, please feel free.
. . . Justin is officially in California. It's hard. It's sad too. But we're already counting the days. Sometimes I feel like it's so far way till May, and at other times, it doesn't seem so bad. We talk every day. Usually 3 or 4 times a day. Plus text.
. . . Mimi is still mental. She has her good days and her bad days. I guess every child does. I think she's currently under the bed. Weirdo.
. . . A frog tried to plan an attack on me the other night. Amanda and I were outside playing cards and a big ass bastard frog started climbing the wall right behind my head. Luckily Amanda knows my phobia and clamly told me to move. Not a minute later, the bastard jumped right across where I was sitting!!!! Ass.
. . . Been a week and still no shuttle. I think tomorrow is the last attempt before postphonement. Did I just make that word up?
. . . Okay I'm gonna stop rambling now. I'm sure I'll think of something new and important to say as soon as I post this.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I Suck

. . . Okay okay. I know I suck. I haven't updated this site in what seems like forever. It's gotten to the point where I'm getting complaints. Yikes! Who knew people thought I was that interesting.
. . . I can't really say that things around here are all that different. I've been working more. Trying to pick up shifts where they're availabe and enjoy my summer at the same time. I think I've accomplished that pretty well so far. Been working approximately two shifts a week and playing the rest. I try to pick up more sometimes, but there just aren't that many shifts to go around. It's a really small company. Luckily, the pay is decent so it works out alright. I still don't have money but that's not a new thing.
. . . Mimi is still a pain in my butt. Her accidents have just about stopped. I take that back. They come in waves. She'll be really good for awhile, and then mess up a lot. She stayed at a friends house this past weekend since I was out of town. Apparently she did well. They have a dog too and a big big yard and she LOVED it. She even learned a new trick. "Bang, You're Dead". She's not real good at it, and she won't do it if she's overly excited, but we're getting there. Came home on Wednesday and she moped around for a bit. Then ate the TV remote. Really not happy about that one. Still have to call DirectTV and have another one sent.
. . . School starts back up in less than a month. I can't decide if I'm excited or not. I'm excited that it's my last year. I really want to get it over with. But at the same time, I'm not looking forward to having to wake up 5 days a week and make the drive in traffic out to Winter Park. Oh. And back for that matter. My financial aid came through. My schedule is done. Now I just have to get it done. Bleh. The pressure is on though cause my family already has their tickets for graduation. 17 tickets for my mom's side only. That's a LOT of people. I'm excited to see everyone, but wow. The pressure. Nothing better go wrong.
. . . Went to Panama City this past weekend with Justin to meet up with his family. It was mostly a blast. A few stressful moments, but I had a great time. Rode jet ski's two days. A little scary. Fell off once. But super fun. Saw dolphins. Collected sand dollars. And went shell hunting on Shell Island. Had my first experience with deep sea fishing. Granted I slept most of the trip but it was still neat. Caught one fish but he was too small to bring home. Deep sea fishing is way different than the cliff fishing I'm used to. It's much more tiring. I'm just glad I didn't get sick on the boat. We got to stay for free in a nice hotel room on the last night. If anyone has the opportunity to stay in a Hampton Inn, do it. The beds are supre comfortable. On the drive back, we stopped at the Tallahassee Museum and spent a few hours there. It was neat. A cross between a history lesson and a zoo. I liked it.
. . . I have a question to throw out there. Why is it that every time I get my car washed, it rains??? I went and got it washed at the Mexican place today cause it was icky after going to Panama. They do the vaccuming and windows and everything. They even let you chose a car freshener scent. It's a beautiful thing. I will say this though. I chose VERY poorly on the scent. I know that once the new smell of a car goes away, you're never EVER going to get it back. I know this, you know this. It's not a new thing. Well, when Justin gets his car washed at this place, he choses the "new car" smell and it smells good in his car. So of course, I chose the same smell. BAD. BAD BAD BAD. My car now smells like poo. Hopefully it'll go away soon. But I digress. Why the rain? I left the car place to go to the dealership to get my oil changed. And of course, on the way there, a downpour. What is that all about?? So now I have splashy mark things on my car. Poo.
. . . That's pretty much it. My eventfull day. I hope those who read this enjoyed the update. I am so boring.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Cleaning Power

. . . Just finished a night of cleaning. Parents are comin in tomorrow. I should probably be sleeping but dammit I can't. Don't know why but whatever. I'll suffer tomorrow and catch up on it. Um, I probably should have a lot to update on cause it's been far too long since I've posted. Strangely enough, no one has complained about it. Usually I get complaints if I don't update every week or so. Hm, perhaps people have stopped reading. Devon?? Hello??
. . . Truth be told, there's not a lot to update on. Still enjoying my last summer ever. Thinkin about trying to work more but haven't been motivated to do so yet. Perhaps after the parents leave. Mimi is still as crazy as ever. Although she has learned the beautiful skill of sleeping in. Well, sort of. My car is still awesome. She's at 4000 miles already but still running and looking like a dream. Just had her washed. OH! Found the greatest deal. Inside and out for $12. Can't hate on that if you ask me.
. . . Wow. I'm random. That's pretty much it. I'll update with my fun happenings this coming week. I will actually have a life. How exciting.

Monday, May 08, 2006


. . . So I never actually thought I'd be doing this, but I'm actually updating waiting for a plane. Not quite as exciting as Chebra who acutally updates from the air, but whatever. I thought this was pretty cool. I think my favorite part about sitting at the airport is the people watching. People here are just so interesting. Especially since so few of them actually speak English as their first language. I guess it serves me right for catching a connector through Miami. Not to mention, telling the vacationers from the locals. Or the people who are terrified of flying and are just trying to keep their composure from the people who think of it as just another day. Or the cranky kids who have just spent 5 days at Disney and need a really long nap with the parents who just spent 5 days chasing their child and also needs a nap. There are those with the sadness in their eyes from just leaving a loved one, and those with the excitement of going to see a loved one. So many things going on in such a small area.
. . . I handed in one of my finals today. Had to drive out to school at 8:30. Was back home again by 10. Of course, I hadn't packed so I had to get all that done. Not to mention put last nights Grey's Anatomy on DVD so I can watch it on the plane. That is if I didn't stuff it in my other bag. In which case, I'll just watch it in Vegas. What was my point? Ah yes. The final. I hope I did okay. It looked really pretty with all the magazine cut outs and such. Crazy professor. I have one more final to do. Gonna finish it at some point today and e-mail it in. Not real worried about it. Just can't concentrate here.
. . . Got my hair done the other night. A friend has his cosmetology license so he came over to trim and dye my hair. I think he's going to put highlights in next week. The cut isn't much shorter at all. He just evened up the ends. I think he might have put in a few long layers, but I'm not real sure cause you can't really see them. Then I got it dyed red. Now, I usually buy Feria red hair dye and it comes out with one bottle. He bout professional stuff, and had to run to Publix cause he said my hair just ate it up. I guess that's the whole thick hair thing. I like how it turned out. It's redder than I thought it was going to be but whatever. Perhaps I'll put a picture up when I get one.
. . . Well, Vegas awaits. Actually, no. Miami awaits. I'll be stuck there for 3 hours. Then it's off to Vegas. Sucks that I've been at the airport since 12:30 this afternoon and I won't get to Vegas till around 11:00pm Vegas time. That's 2:00am Orlando time. Well over 12 hours in airports and planes. Ick. I suppose that's what I get for wanting to find the cheapest flight available. If I make a lot of money, there will be a post. If not, the next one will likely be after I get home.

Sunday, April 30, 2006


. . . Welp, as it turns out, I'm far far overdue for an update. I just went through and read friends blogs, and realized that even those that hardly ever update, have updated at least once. So, as not to dissapoint my loyal followers, I shall now tell you what has been going on in my life.
. . . Fox Day has come and gone. It turned out to be on April 11. Most of Rollins ended up going to the beach since the school provides busses from campus to Cocoa. I on the other hand, stayed home and played with the dog. I'd like to say that I did some studying or something productive like that, but I really didn't. Oh well. Fox Day is designed to be a day of rest and that's what it ended up being. I'm glad I didn't go to the beach that day. It would have been crowded with a lot of drunk college kids. Not exactly my cup of tea if you know what I mean.
. . . We got a DVD recorder. Of course, cause we're cheap, we got the cheap one. Well, as it turns out, it's a total piece of crap!!! You know that phrase you get what you pay for?? Totally TOTALLY true. Shoulda thought about that before hand. It hasn't recorded a single thing since we got it and it's not like I haven't been trying. Not to mention it freezes up and then the only thing you can do is unplug the damn thing for awhile and then plug it back in and pray. Blech.
. . . Took Mimi to the dog park for the first time yesterday. She had a BLAST!! It's a huge park out in Winter Park that I had never even heard of. A friend from school takes her dog there every weekend and we went to meet up with her. Anyway, it sits on a lake so the dogs can swim and run in the water. At first, she just ran and ran and ran. Didn't care if there was anyone to play with or anything. Just running around being crazy. Then she realized that there was water. Now, Mimi had never seen a large body of water. She's never even gone swimming or had more encounters with water than a bath. But she sure did jump right in like she goes swimming every day! She swam and played with other dogs and chased things, and swam more. Needless to say, she got home and PASSED OUT!! She even let me sleep in a little today.
. . . Only two more days of classes!! Woo Hoo!!! Have a few last minute assignments to finish up for Monday and Tuesday. Then we have a reading day, and finals start on Thursday. I have an inclass on Friday morning and then one due on the following Monday, and one due on Tuesday. But for me, they're both due on Monday. Why you ask?? Because that afternoon, I shall be boarding a plane and heading for VEGAS!!!!
. . . Again, as it turns out that my dad will be in Vegas just as the semester is getting out. What a great way to blow off end of the semester steam!!
. . . Well, that's about it. Even when there is a big gap between posts, my life isn't all that interesting. How sad. Oh well. Till next time!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Fox Day Where Are You???

. . . There is a long standing tradition at Rollins called Fox Day. Each year during the spring semester, there is one special day where the president of the college puts a fox statue on Mills Lawn under the flag pole. The emergence of the fox means that all classes are cancelled for the day and students go to the beach. In the afternoon, faculty, staff, students, and family can gather on Mills Lawn for a BBQ. Every student at Rollins waits with baited breath for this day. Here's the catch though. No one knows when the fox will appear. It's on a different day each spring semester and the only one who knows what day that will be is President Duncan. There are a few clues as to when the fox will appear, such as since it's a traditional beach day, it's usually on a day predicted to be sunny, and that it's always after spring break. Also, most of the time, it's on a day that there are no seminars or presentations. Now, the Fox Day tradition has created a little game I like to call, "Today is Not Fox Day". This involves guessing, speculating, hoping, whatever you want to call it, about when Fox Day will be. So far, I've heard that it was going to be on Monday, April 3. Just for the record, that day was NOT Fox Day. Then the next speculation was that it was going to be Thursday, April 6. Again, this day was NOT Fox Day. So the game continues until Fox Day actually happens. I've given up on speculating. I've ceased to care on what day of the week Fox Day falls on. As long as it comes soon, I will be grateful.
. . . I need hours at work. I wasn't scheduled at all for this coming week. I picked up one day, but there were no other holes. How sad.
. . . So I've been on this candy kick lately. I don't really eat all of it, but I see it, and I think it looks good, so I have to get it. Anyway, I had a suggestion that I should try Reeces Pieces eggs. Apparently there like the normal ones, but in an egg shape and pastel so they're pretty. Little did I know, there are also Hershey chocolate eggs. They look exactly the same, but have regular chocolate in them instead of the peanut butter. Well, since everyone enjoys a surprise now and again, we combined both of them in one bowl so you never quite know what you're going to get. We did the same thing with the mint and regular mnm's during Christmas. It's a fun game. Note to self though, always ask what's in the bowl before digging in to our candy bowl, cause if you're allergic to something, it would be a good idea to find out if we've combined things.
. . . That's pretty much all that's been going on in my life. I know. I'm boring. The most exciting news is that I found fun candy. I swear I'm not 300 pounds. Till next time!

Sunday, April 02, 2006


. . . So I got a comment on my last post about peeps. If you haven't read it, you should. Anyway, I decided to write this in response to that comment. Krash has a theory that you can't just eat one peep. If you start eating them, you have to eat the whole row and that it bothers her when you can see the white from the marshmallow poking through. I think I'd have to agree with her. They're made as a set. It's like they're a group and you have to eat them together. They have to be with their friends. Or maybe that's just my excuse to eat all four of them at once. Whatever works. I will say this though. I enjoy the bunnies the best. I'm not picky about the color, but the bunnies are just the easiest to eat. There's an even distribution between the marshmallow and the sugar. Yup. That's it.
. . . That's pretty much all I have to say for tonight. It hasn't been all that interesting of a week. Randomness over.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Here's To You Devon

. . . So, I got scolded this morning! Okay. So it wasn't really a scolding and it was more like afternoon but still. I was told that I don't blog enough. What is that?? Here I was thinking that no one was reading what I had to say about life, when two people in two days tell me that they're actually paying attention! Who knew? I think what it all comes down to, is that I don't have something witty and insightful to say everyday. Well, that and the fact that I'm boring. I finally realize that I lead a boring life and I think I'm okay with it. Seriously. All I do is work and go to school. An exciting day for me is going to Target. Or Walmart. The location all depends on what we need. Other than that, I stay at home with my dog. Okay. So there are times when I go out, but those instances are becoming fewer and farther between. Oh well. I guess that's what happens with age.
. . . So we're starting our registration for next semester. I'm still not used to the process. At every other school I've been to, when your time is up, you register. If you're not one of the first people to log on or call in, you don't get the classes you want. And you sure as hell better have alternate plans for classes that you can take cause you aren't getting the ones you want. Anyway, I digress. At Rollins, as I'm sure I've complained about before, but first, you have to go online and "pre-register". Then you meet with your advisor so they can approve of the classes you've chosen. Then the advisor goes into the computer system and approves and makes changes. Then the little scheduler people do the schedules and it gets posted on-line. Isn't that weird? I never knew that registration could be such a process. But again, I digress. My point to this was to vent about my classes. As it turns out, I have to take five. Yes count them, 5 classes next semester. BLECH!!! So if it seems as though I'm MIA or that I'm ignoring you or that I don't care about anything next semester, please don't take it personally. I'll just be REALLY busy. When in doubt, e-mail works best. BUT, this puts me a step closer to graduation. WOO HOO!!!!!
. . . I think that's pretty much it. Oh! Except that I have a new favorite love. Ready? White cheddar cheeze-its. NOT cheeze-nips, but CHEEZE-ITS. I started grabbing a bag on the way to class every day and so far I've had a bag a day for the whole semester. They're the best thing ever. AND, as if life could not get any more exciting, it's may favorite candy season. Now, I know most people enjoy Halloween cause of all the bells and whistles, but me personally, I enjoy easter. The candy is prettier, there's a lot more chocolate, there's sepcialty candies that only come out once a year, and the candy is better cause it's not specifically made to put in greedy little kids bags. Not to mention, the real peeps only come out at easter. I know there's year round peeps with christmas trees and pumpkins and such, but they're just not as good as the standard bunnies.
. . . Really. That's it this time. I think I've rambled enough for one night. Still have homework to do. Hope everyone enjoys!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


. . . Well, I figured I've complained and bragged enough about her. It's time to put a picture on the blog. Incase you're wondering, yes. She did that to herself. There was no posing involved. She's a strange dog.

. . . That's pretty much it. I'm sure I'll think of something insightful and witty to say later. But for now, bye!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Puppy School and Stuff

. . . Sometimes I think I'm writing this blog for my own enjoyment. Not that I go back and read what I've written, but I was beginning to feel that no one read it since no one ever comments or says anything to me about it. So I asked my mom cause she says she reads it. But then again, of course my mom is going to read it cause she's my mom. Well, just when I was losing all hope of a dedicated readership, I get an e-mail from my old roomate Devon. She has reassured me that there are in fact people who read this, and that in itself has motivated me to keep writing. Okay so it may just be her that's reading it, but still. At least I know I'm not just writing to my mom since I talk to her all the time anyway. Anyway, the point of this entire opening paragraph was to say thanks to anyone who actually reads this. Especially Devon. Oh! And just a little side note, Devon, when you sign up to have a blog, you have to actually write in it for people to know what's going on. If you leave it blank, it defeats the whole purpose. :-)
. . . Friday was the first day of puppy class. My monster actually did really well. The trainer is awesome and knows a lot. There were 5 people signed up for the class but we were the only ones who showed up. That amazes me. You pay $100 for this class to teach your dog manners and basic commands. To me, if you're going to take the time to do that, the class must be somthing you think you need. I don't understand how after that, you can just not show up. Now, I understand one, maybe two people not showing up for one reaosn or another. My car broke down and I forgot seem to be popular. But four other people?? Anyway, it kind of worked out for my benefit. It was like we had a private lesson!! Week one was all about getting excited about her name. We're trying to teach her that when she hears her name, she should get excited. She doesn't necessarily have to come to you when she's called, but at least look up and acknowledge that she heard it. She did well. Looked up almost every time. Even when she was playing with a toy. The only time we were ignored whas when there were other people around to look at or bark at or whatever. I swear my dog as ADD.
. . . Anyway, after class, we decided to look around PetSmart. She needed something new to chew on that was hard, but that she wouldn't eat in 2 hours like she was doing with rawhide. Those rawhide bones don't stand a chance. It's funny how this amazingly well behaved dog could all of a sudden become a holy terror. She was pulling on her leash, barking at other dogs, trying to run to them, looking and sniffing and trying to get under all the fixtures. It was crazy!! But she did come home with a new toy and a new chewing thing. The toy is a stuffed blue elephant with a squeaker in it. And the chew thing is a cow bone. Yup. An actual cow bone. It's the greatest thing EVER!! She can chew and chew and chew, and it doesn't seem to disappear.
. . . I've decided that it's a good thing that I'm not one of those people who values sleep. Okay. That's a downright lie. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to sleep. It's one of my favorite things to do. Sleeping in is one of the best things to do on a day off. Or well, I used to think so. I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep in ever again. Every morning, I have to wake up between 8 and 9 to take the monster out. Now, Pebbles used to hold it till Amanda woke up. Aya will hold it till I'm good and ready to get out of bed. But Mimi? Not so much. As soon as she jumps off the bed in the morning, I know that I had better follow her, or risk having to clean up after her. It kinda sucks. I mean, I can always, and usually do crawl back into bed if there's nowhere that I have to be. But it still sucks that I have to get out of bed so early to take her out. Blech. I'm never going to be able to sleep in again and that makes me sad.
. . . I'm on spring break this week. I love it. Got some homework to do, but it's only Sunday. I'll start tomorrow. I've already finished one book. Started reading it yesterday while I was getting my windows tinted and finished it this afternoon. This week shal be about relaxation. That's the plan anyway. I've gotta take my monster out to potty and then go to bed. I'm surprisingly tired.
. . . If anyone in Orlando reads this and is bored, call me. If not, I hope everyone has a good monday!

Friday, February 24, 2006


. . . So this is my first attempt at putting pictures in this blogging thing so here we go. Look!! WooHoo!!! I got a new car!! I love it and it's awesome. I had a sad moment today though. The odometer officially rolled over to 1000 miles. It was a little sad. She's officially broken in at 600 miles, but reaching that four digit moment was hard.
. . . I have another baby too, but the pictures I have didn't show up very well here. I got a puppy last Saturday. The plan was to go look at the humane society to see the ADULT dogs. I wasn't really planning on bringing one home on Saturday. Just looking and figuring out what kind and what size and all that good stuff. And again, we were only looking at ADULT dogs. 2-5 years. ADULT. So anyway, we go to the humane society and look at the dogs. Find one we really like, and take her card up to the desk. Well, the lady there just wasn't a very pleasent person. She said to come back the next day cause the dog we wanted wouldn't be gone. So Amanda and I decide to go to the PetSmart by our house cause they usually have pictures of adoptable pets there. Well, we walk in, and there's a sign up that says adoptions today. Needless to say, we brought home a dog. No no. Correction. A puppy. What happened to the whole thing with wanting an adult dog?? I have no idea. She was the last one they had there. Everyone else had gotten adopted. There was only a $50 adoption fee and she came with 6 months of heart worm medicine plus puppy classes and a few toys. Over all, I made out since classes alone are $100. So far, things are going okay. It's a lot of work with a puppy. We're her third home so she has a bad case of separation anxiety. We kennel her so she doesn't destroy the house. She cries . . . a lot . . . when we leave and piddles in her kennel. Can't get mad though. If I got passed around 3 times in my first year, I'd be scared too. I thought getting her a dog bed was a good idea but I don't know why I wasted the money since she sleeps with me. She's brown all over with black eye liner around her eyes. Her name is Mimi since that means ears in Japanese. Her ears stick straight out like airplane wings. They don't know whether they want to stand up or sit down or what. It's so rewarding to have a dog and at the same time, it's such work. I'll put a picture of her up when I take one with my camera. The pictures from my phone just aren't working out.
. . . That's pretty much all that's been going on lately. Doesn't sound like much, but with school and work, I'm busy busy! Hope anyone who actually reads this is doing well!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Challenge Accepted

. . . I find that I've reached another turning point in my life I think. I'm scheduled to graduate next May. Everyone cross your fingers on that one. I was chatting with an old friend last night and they asked me if I was going to move home anytime soon. When I told her that I didn't think I was going to, she asked me what was here, that wasn't there. She said that if all I wanted was opportunity, I could find that anywhere and at least at home I have a tried and true support system. I don't know. This may just be a phase and I may find something here that I love. But I just want to put it out there, that for those of you who have been asking me since the day I got on the plane when I'm coming home, it's not totally out of the question. Just ask me again at graduation. We'll see.
. . . School is going okay. It's a lot to read. A lot to write. I guess everything that's to be expected.
. . . Work is eh. I think I may have to drop hours. I was told last week that I could no longer do homework while I was there. I don't see why since all I do is sit at intake or even if I am on the unit, sometimes have nothing to do. But it's okay. It's their rules and I have to go with it. But the problem is that there aren't enough hours in the day to go to school, work, study, and sleep. Something's gotta give.
. . . I got a new car!!! It's a 2006 Civic Coupe in Atomic Blue Metallic. I love it. It's awesome! And in one more mile, I will have officially reached 600 and she will be broken in. People have asked me if I've named her yet. The only thing she's really said to me is to notice how pretty she is. Well, Sophie, Amanda's cat says the same thing. So as of right now, her name is Sophie. Who knows though. Things may change.
. . . So I was reading a friend's blog and I noticed that my name was in it! WooHoo! So I've decided to accept the challenge put forth by Krash. I was actually gonna do it the day I read it, but procrastination is my specialty. Anyway, here goes. Challenge Accepted.
. . . Seven things to do before I die
1. Read and actually understand Shakespeare. Not the story, the words. And not the popular stuff everyone knows.
2. Own a house
3. Travel to distant lands
4. Experience fairy tale love even if just for a moment
5. Pay off all debts
6. Not have to live pay check to pay check
7. Have a family
. . . Seven things I cannot do
1. Let someone puke alone
2. Think about or be around frogs without shuddering
3. Eat just one (rugala, bite, chip)
4. Make dinner and have all the food ready at the same time
5. The splits
6. Pass up girl scout cookies
7. Or a good cup of coffee
. . . Seven things that attract me to blogging
1. I'm much better on paper than I am in person
2. I'm terrible at keeping in touch
3. This is an easy way to update a group
4. I type much faster than I write
5. It's quick
6. Only the people you want to read can
7. It helps with that whole procrastination thing I mentioned earlier
. . . Seven things I say most often
1. Seriously
2. Okay!?!?
3. I'm not tryna hate . . . I'm just sayin (How do you spell that anyway? I think it's southern)
4. Dude
5. For real though
6. Thank You
7. Hey!
. . . Seven Books That I Love
1. Watchers by Dean Koontz
2. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
3. Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane
4. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
5. The Berenstein Bears . . . cause they taught me many lessons
6. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day . . . cause we've all had those
7. The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks
. . . Seven Movies That I Can Watch Over and Over Again
1. A League of Their Own (Anyone ever tell you you look like a penis with a little hat on?)
2. Overboard (Roy? No! Travis! Sweet Trav?)
3. The Princess Diaries 1&2 (As if I wasn't enough of a freak, let's add a tiara)
4. Hope Floats (Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. Remember that when you're at the beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up, and it will)
5. Boys and Girls (Love is exciting and it's thrilling and it drives you so insane you think you're going to explode)
6. While You Were Sleeping (Life doesn't always turn out how you expect it)
7. Anything in the Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan collection
. . . Seven people I want to join the fun
Um, I don't really care. If you want to answer and don't have a blog, feel free to use the comments.
. . . That's pretty much it for this update. I feel I've done a fantastic job of procrastinating for one night. I hope everyone enjoys!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Theories on Drugs, Ads, and Shakespeare

. . . Well, it's that time again. There hasn't been an amazing amount of things going on since the last post but school started again so I guess that's pretty interesting. So far, so good. Three of my four classes seem really interesting. Drugs and Addictions (minus the annoying guy who just won't shut up) is awesome. We watched part of a video on a heroin addict. I never realized how much there is to know about drugs. Shakespeare is Shakespeare. I haven't had to read one of his plays since I was in high school. I think it will be interesting. The only problem I have with that class is that the book weighs like 40 pounds or something. Culture and Society will keep me busy. I took a Dr. Glennon class last semester and there was always something that had to get done. I like her though cause she isn't just interested in the poverty or social class aspect of sociology. She does stuff like work with animals and read trash magazines to see how pop culture affects our everyday lives. Last but not least . . . okay, maybe least, Sociological Theories. It is required for my degree. And that's all I have to say about that class. At least I know the professor and I know how he runs the class. There's going to be no surprises but it's not going to be easy either.
. . . I got some fun mail the other day. My diploma from Valencia arrived. It's kinda cool. It's been a long time since I've gotten a diploma and yet I'm not that excited about it. I know it's an accomplishment to have recieved it and now I can officially say that I have some kind of a degree, but since I'm trying to get my BA from Rolins, I don't feel all that much about it. There's an option to walk in commencement in May, but I don't think I want to. I'd rather save that honor for my 4 year. I mean, it's only gonna take me 7 years to get it. That should stand for something.
. . . Amanda has been in California since Tuesday. It's been really quiet around here. Sophie and Monty just aren't that great in the conversation department. It's funny that when I lived by myself I loved it and now that I don't, I miss having someone to talk to. She get's home tomorrow.
. . . That's pretty much it. I already have homework to do. Sending out my thank you cards this weekend. I appologize for my tardiness in that matter. It's been kind of a crazy month.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Late Entry

. . . Wow. . . I am long past due for an update. If this were to happen at work, we would have to write late entry before writing the case note. Hence the title of the blog.
. . . Anyway, life has been pretty boring. Well, sort of. The house is put together. I have yet to take pictures though. But I promise they're coming soon! Please keep on reminding me or I'll forget to post them. Now that all our things are in here, I love it. The house is the perfect size for two people. Everything has a home and it looks great.
. . . I just got a paycheck for about 80 hours at work. It was nice. Especially since there's some overtime in it. I've never had a paycheck like that before. Sure did have to work for it though.
. . . School starts on Wednesday. I'm not entirely excited about it, but at least I can say that we're the last school to start back up again, so I had the longest break. Yea private school!! I try to look at it from the point of view that the sooner I go back to school, the closer I am to graduation. I always used to think graduation was so far away, but I think I can actually start to taste it. I can't wait. Speaking of graduation, I checked on the Valencia website a few nights ago, and my degree has officially been awarded. No idea when they're actually going to mail it out, but at least I know that I can send my final transcripts over and I never have to worry about taking a class at Valencia again. Thank goodness!! And no. I will not be walking in the Valencia graduation. I just think it's lame. Sorry if I offended anyone with that comment, but if you knew the school, you wouldn't walk either.
. . . My phone officially crapped out on me. The really sad thing is that I loved this phone. It did really cool things, and I had really cool stuff on it. Fun pictures, and even a little 15 second video from the Bare Naked Ladies concert. Not to mention all the phone numbers. It's going to suck trying to get all those back again. But alas, the phone is no longer. I was in the potty at work, and the phone fell out of my pocket and hit the floor. Now, you know I'm not that tall, so the distance from my jacket pocket to the floor isn't that far. But I guess it had just had enough after the fall into the water cup the day I was sick. Too bad it wasn't a phone I hated cause at least then I wouldn't be sad about it. I'd just get a new one and move on with life. Anyway, until tomorrow morning, I re-activated my old phone. This is the same thing I did last time. But this time I'm going to the Verizon store for a replacement. Yea horray for phone insurance. Funny thing is when I got this phone, I almost cancelled the insurance thing cause I thought I'd never use it. But then when I was in line, I heard a bunch of people talking about how their phones had been in accidents and they had to pay retail price for a new phone cause they didn't have it. Well, it's a good thing I heard the horror stories!!! Anyway, moral of the story, phone I love is broken, phone I was using is activated, going to Verizon tomorrow.
. . . Oh! This is kind of a fun story. Mom, you'll appreciate this. I was at work one night and I get a text message from Amanda telling me that if I have time, I should ask a certain youth what his favorite book is. So I'm thinking to myself, what an odd question. Maybe she's going to bring this youth a book. So I pull this kid aside and ask him very quietly what his favorite book is. And to my shock and amazement, he says Watchers by Dean Koontz. Whoa!! I didn't know anyone else knew about that book! It is my all time favorite Koontz book. It's the book I compare all other Koontz books to. Oh but the story gets better. I find out that this youth has an autographed copy!!!! I am so jealous. So if any of you who read this blog actually like reading real books, go out and find Watchers. Good luck though cause it's hard to find in bookstores. But trust me. Well worth your time.
. . . Other than that, life has been pretty calm. I've been trying to take it easy since I know things are going to get crazy again real soon. This was my last 40 hour week. I drop back down to 3 nights. Hopefully I'll be able to handle that. We'll see how it goes.
. . . That's pretty much it for now. I think the stories above are not in chronological order but too bad. I'm tired and worked a double today. I'm surprised I'm functioning enough to even write this. TIll next time!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Wrapping Up and Work Stories

. . . So I figure everyone else I know has had a blog where they wrapped up 2005. Let's see. It's been a very interesting year. I can't say that it was a horrible year like many others I know. But I can't say that's been an awesome year either. I guess everything that has happened has been a learning experience and I can't say that I'd take any of it back. After all, aren't people always saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? I figure it would just be a good idea to take everything that has happened, learn from it, and move on. Yeah. And that's my wrap-up on 2005. If anyone has any questions, feel free to inquire within.
. . . Now for my work story. I think it's funny that girls living in a shelter think they have it all figured out. Some of them think they're so smart and know all the answers. Here's a story . . . I was watching one of the youth's babies. The baby is only six weeks old so she's still just eatin, sleepin, and poopin. Well, we were at the eatin stage so I was giving her a bottle. Two youth were sitting in the office with me and one other staff member. A third youth walked in, looked at me, and made the comment that I should have a baby. My response was no. I'm not ready to have kids right now. At this point, the two youth that were sitting in the office proceded to tell me that it didn't matter whether or not I was ready and that kids aren't planned. They just happen. Then one of them said she was glad she was 16 when she had her daughter. Um, hello!! She's now 21 with a 5 year old, living in a shelter, and has relatives looking after her daughter. Not to mention she's dating a known crack addict. The other youth in the office tried to say that she was with her ex-boyfriend for three years, never used protection, and never got pregnant. Then had an oops with her daughter. Now, this youth is still legally married, has a 7 month old daughter, and is dating another youth in the shelter. Hello?? These two are going to try and give me advice and tell me about decisions I can and can't make?? No seriously. Are you kidding me?
. . . Oh! This is kinda funny though. One of the guys says that of all the staff, he'd choose to be with either me or Amanda. He also said that he'd win his way into our hearts with free Chalupas and Mexican Pizzas since he works at Taco Bell. I mean, I do enjoy the Taco Bell, but that's just funny.
. . . I don't think I have any more fun work stories. I kicked one kids ass in thumb wrestling but that's not really an accomplishment.
. . . The big move is on for Wednesday. Or at least that's the plan as of right now. So far it's just Scott and his brother. I'm worried about that. I mean, the beds aren't bad but the couches are REALLY heavy. We'll see how it goes. The truck is ordered and awaiting pick up. At least all we have left are the couches, the box springs and the mattresses.
. . . I'm still working 40 hours until school starts up again. I haven't really had a winter break but it's okay. The money is good and I'm sure as hell going to take some time off during the summer for some R and R.
. . . Wow. My life is boring. I'm going now. Bye!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Finally . . . Sort Of

. . . So I know it's been awhile since I've been able to post a decent update. Incase you haven't been keeping up with the posts, we're moving. So we've had to switch all of our appliances over from the old apartment to the new house. Our phone line has been cut off for 2 weeks now. Since we have DSL, our internet has also been cut off. Let me tell you. It's like losing an arm I never knew I had. I never realized how much I relied on the internet for everything. Anyway, the two previous posts were done at work in a moment of peace. Those come few and far between so I don't get to write anything extensive. We moved both desks over to the house and I set up both computers but when it came time to set up the internet, I ran into problems. They're sending out the internet fixer man on Friday. Yea!!
. . . How far have we gotten with the actual move? It's strange. We move all this stuff over, and the house seems empty so it makes me feel like we didn't do much. Then we go back to the apartment, and it looks so empty. Anyway, both desks and computers are gone. The kitchen is almost empty. Both storage closets are empty. The bathrooms are almost empty. Two of the three TV's are gone. The TV stand, microwave stand, my night stand, and the coffee table are all gone. The book shelves are gone along with all the books and movies. And so far, we've done it all my ourselves. Amanda and I have had no help so far. Pretty good huh??
. . . Work is the same. Stressfull. The kids make me nuts. But still a learning experience and I enjoy what I do. There's some drama with staff but I guess that's to be expected everywhere. The good news being that the people starting the drama are going to hang themselves cause administration is catching on.
. . . Justin and I have started talking again. And that's all anyone really needs to know right now.
. . . That's pretty much it. My life is pretty much filled with the same old stuff. I'll try to do a better job of updating. We'll see how that goes. It'll be easier once our DSL is working again. I hope all is well and everyone had a great Christmas!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

. . . Merry Christmas!!! Don't really have much time to write an extensive post. I'm doing this at work in some free time. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and I'll be back on line soon!!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Busy Busy Busy

. . . So sorry if I seem MIA. We're in the middle of moving and out internet got turned off. When we're in the new house, I'll post with pictures. If I don't get to talk to you, please have a very Mery Christmas!!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

From Vegas to Paint . . .Paint Paint Everywhere

. . . First off, I would just like to state that red paint sucks. But more on that later. I should really start from where I left off on the last blog.
. . . Vegas was awesome. Well, it didn't start out that way only because I was losing my ass. I think I had a list of 5, maybe 6 casinos that all felt that my money was a donation. Um, hello, I was thinking more along the lines of investment. Anyway, then we went to the Aladdin, and all of a sudden, my luck turned around. My dad says that the luck tides come in 6 hour increments and if your tide is out, there's nothing you can do but wait it out. That was kinda off track. So yeah. After that I started doing really well. Can't say I can buy a house with my winnings, but I sure can pay for some of the moving costs of the one we're renting.
. . . Which brings me to my next topic. The hosue we're moving into is cute, but I wasn't what you would call excited to move there. I knew that it would work out and we needed something, and that was in our price range, but I wasn't really excited about moving. I guess I just don't like the whole moving process. Then again who does? Sorry. Off track. The house had this purpleish, pinkish paint in what they called a living room. (We will be using it as an entryway) The paint was nasty and it made the house look washed out. The bedrooms were painted a nasty pale yellow. So we decided that we were going to paint because we couldn't live in that kind of a color scheme. The livingroom was to have a dark beige color to it, with a focus wall opposite the kitchen with the same red color that was in the kitchen. Amanda's room was to have a light beige color, with a red focus wall, and my room was to have the same light beige color, but with a blue focus wall. (For those of you who actually know both of us, these colors match us perfectly) Anyway, we went to buy paint this morning, which was an ordeal in itself, and started painting. Now, the color on the little sample paper things, didn't look anything like the colors that ended up on the walls. Luckily, the living room has almost a gold tinge to it and it looks REALLY good with the red focus wall. The bedroom beige is lighter than expected, and the red is brighter than we expected. Everything worked out well though.
. . . But red paint still sucks. When using rollers, we found that the trick is to apply very light pressure and a LOT of paint. It's hard to cover the little holes and make look good. It's just a hard color to paint with. I was told by a friend that it's the hardest color to paint with. (So of course we have it on two walls) Oh! And Krash, when you read this, the shmuh doesn't work with red paint. I tried. I tried hard. And a lot. And it just doesn't work.
. . . I think we shall go back tomorrow and do my room and the computer room. The living room and Amanda's room are both done except for a bit of edging. Had to wait till the paint is dry before pulling all the masking tape off the walls. Found that one out the hard way.
. . . That's the update on my life. Trying to stay busy. Gotta pack. Gotta move. Gotta finish sending out Christmas cards. Although a day to sleep in and do nothing would be awesome. I wonder when the next opportunity for that will be? Speaking of sleep, that sounds awesome. Bye!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I'm Home

. . . Vegas was awesome. I'll update more later. I think for now I shall sleep.

Friday, December 09, 2005


. . . Can everyone please help me in breathing a collective sigh of relief?? Finals for the semester are finally over!!! I went to campus and handed in my final two papers of the semester. Checked my mailbox one last time, and sold back my books. I don't plan on returning to campus until January when I can ask them about my financial aid and tell them where to send my money. Now, bring it on with the winter break!! Granted, it probably won't be all THAT interesting, but at least I won't have to worry about going to class and doing homewor, and writing papers, and taking tests. Yea!
. . . I leave for Vegas tomorrow. Actually, I leave for Vegas in 11 hours. I should probably be packing and figuring out what I want to do on the plane. Instead, I am here updating my blog so all of you loyal readers know what I've been up to since yesterday and plan to do for the next couple of days. Anyway, I'm really excited about Vegas. My dad figured it would be a good way to blow off some end of the semester steam. Good timing if you ask me. Plus, he asks me to meet him all the time and I never have the chance to go. Haven't been in a few years and I figured it was about time I return.
. . . I don't know if I mentioned it already, but we found a house. For those of you who know the area, it's in Williamsburg by Sea World. We saw the house on Wednesday night and decided to take it. The land lords took two days to figure out a contract and lease and we went back to the house today to sign the papers. We even got our keys today! So the house is officially ours. It's a really cute three bedroom. Plus, it sorta has two living rooms. Gas range and side by side fridge. The closets are a little smaller than what I'm used to, but there's always a third closet to utilize if the need arises. Plus, the closets have fun shelving in them. I can ALWAYS use that. The next time we go to the house during the day, I'll take some pictures and perhaps post them. Oh! And if anyone that reads this is in the area and would like to help with the moving process, all help is greatly appreciated and there might even be some incentive to helping.
. . . So I've been reading other people's blogs. I find that my blog is somewhat lame. I have heard from a number of people that when they read it, they can actually hear me talking, but I don't have many insightful thoughts or witty comments to share with the world. I don't analyze the people and things that surround me. I don't look introspectively at my life and then write about it. All I do is update on what has been going on in my life. Now and again, I may have something interesting to share about what happened in my day but for the most part, my blog is really boring! Now here's the quesiton I have. What do you think? Is my blog too boring? Is there any improvements that you think need to be made? Please let me know. I'm open to suggestions as I am fairly new to this whole blogging thing.
. . . That's it for tonight. I must go work on my Christmas cards and pack. If anyone would like a card and either don't think you're already on the list, or would like to make sure, send me your mailing address to my e-mail account. Or leave it in a comment. Whatever makes you more comfortable.
. . . Okay. For real. Goodnight! See you after Wednesday! . . . Unless I think of something else.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


. . . So, I was looking at my blog and noticed that all the paragraphs and such are blending together. When I type, I add line breaks and hit return between them but somewhere from the time I'm typing to the time the update is published, the line breaks disappear. Not cool. I really don't want to get rid of the justified alignment cause I really like it. So anyway, I decided to add those fun thinking dots before I start paragraphs. That way, if the line breaks disappear, you still know where the new topic starts. That and I usually do have to spend some time thinking between paragraphs.
. . . If you like the new format, let me know. If you really don't like it, let me know about that too. I can see what other changes I can make.


. . . I leave for Vegas in two days. Yea!
. . . I have two exams due tomorrow by noon. I haven't started either one of them and can't seem to find the motivation to crank them out. I know I'll get them done in time cause I always do. But ugh. It would be nice to sit here and have something intelligent to say about sociological methodology or the state of black america.
. . . My christmas cards are bought. If only I had opened them and started writing so I could send them out. I suppose getting addresses would be a good idea also.
. . . I'd like to go shopping. I don't know what to buy. I don't know who to buy for. But I'd still like to go shopping.
. . . There's two presents waiting to be wrapped. I enjoy wrapping presents. My mom used to tell me that I take too long. But it's so pretty when I'm done. If only I could master the art of bows that don't require a scissors to curl them.
. . . I need new bedding. Well, a comforter at least. I need to return the blanket I've been using.
. . . I suppose that's enough procrastinating for now. 23 hours till my exams are due. I think I shall go cut my nails so they stop getting caught in the keyboard. It's getting hard to type.
. . . And that is my list of things that I need or need to do.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Um . . .

. . . So, I haven't said anything as of yet cause I haven't been ready to make any kind of announcements, and I'm not really ready to talk about it, but I just thought I'd let everyone know that Justin and I broke up last Friday. I'm doing okay. Trying to get through this week and finals. Then it's off to Vegas for 4 days. I'm excited about that.
. . . We found a house tonight. No more worrying about our stupid apartment complex and what they're doing. It's in a nice neighborhood and the price is right. Hopefully it will be good.
. . . That's it. Just thought I'd let everyone know.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


. . . P.S. Vegas in 11 days baby!!!!

Just a Short One

. . . Have you ever had one of those cries where you're crying so hard you can't breathe right and all you can do is try to controll the number of booger bubbles that are coming out of your nose? Have you ever needed a cry like this?? Well, let me just say that watching Extreme Makeover will produce such results. Ty Pennington, I think you're great, and I love your show, and your design team is awesome, and the housese you build are beautiful, but damn. The snot bubbles are getting worse with the week. As for my other favorite show, it was a good week. I didn't cry (which is unusual) but a lot of important things happened. I'm not going to give away the synopsis cause I think everyone should watch.
. . . So this is my last week of school for the semester. Next week is exams. I know I have a lot to do, but at the same time, it doesn't seem like a lot. I didn't get all the classes I wanted for next semester. It's looking like no golf for me. That was kinda sad. But I did get the two SOC classes I needed so I guess I can't complain too much.
I really need to go Christmas shopping. I think I have an idea about the things I want to get for people. For those of you who actually read this, please don't be offended if a Christmas present doesn't come your way. Remember, I'm still a poor college student. And that is where the problem really is. I really want to go shopping, and I really need to go shopping, I just don't have the means to go shopping. And I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to run my credit card up. I've been doing really good at paying it off and not using it. Ugh. I hate being poor.
. . . The house hunt continues. We got a certified mail thing the other day. It was the information about the condos that they're turning this apartment into. For those of you who have seen it, you KNOW that these apartments are NOT worth $214,000. Yup. That's right. So anyway, we saw a really cute house tonight but it's just too far out in the middle of nowhere to consider renting. We're still looking and making phone calls to take looks at places. We have six months to get out of the apartment though so we're not stressing yet. I just don't want to have to be moving during school. That would suck.
. . . I suppose I should change the title of this particular blog. I said it was going to be short. I guess I lied. Oops. Well, this is the end. I need a shower and some sleep. 'Night!

Saturday, November 26, 2005


. . . So I've seen the movie You've Got Mail like a million times. And every single time, I end up crying at the end. What is that about? It's not like I don't know what's going to happen. Thank you TNT for playing the same movies 12 times in a row!! I shal watch again now. And probably end up crying . . . again.


. . . We got back from Atlanta last night. Well, more like EARLY this morning. Left around 9:30pm then drove slow and took a lot of breaks just to be safe. Took us 4 hours to get to the border. That's a long time. Anyway, we got back to Orlando at around 5:30am. I tried really REALLY hard to stay awake the whole time. Really. I finally lost the battle with sleep at around 4. I know we were well into Florida at the time. I found that I would think I was awake until I felt Justin's hand on my forehead pushing my head back up. It was really pathetic. I don't think I like that overnight drive but I guess you do what you gotta do huh? I'm glad we got to spend Thanksgiving up there.
. . . So Christmas officially started today. People can start putting up decorations and listening to Christmas music and it's all good cause that's the next holiday to come up. It just bothers me when right after Halloween, Christmas things start popping up. That's not okay. You can't just forget about Thanksgiving. It's time for me to think about my Christmas music purchase. For the past few years, I've made 1 Christmas CD purchase for the season. My collection is getting quite extensive. I made CD's for people last year, but I don't think anyone but me listened to them so I don't think I shal be making them again.
. . . I'm kinda sad. I slept for most of the day since we didn't get home till early morning. Justin left for work and I got things done around the house. But truth be told, I'm sad I missed the "Black Friday" sales. I know there's a few still happening tomorrow, but the hardcore shoppers would have braved the craziness and gotten it done. Damn. I want to go shopping. I mean I REALLY want to go shopping. Not to say that I have money to spend cause I don't. But I think it would be a good idea to "look" at things I could potentially get people for Christmas. Not to mention if I go shopping tomorrow and there are really good sales on such potential Christmas gift items, I may have to get them. You never know if the sale is going to be that good ever again. EVER.
. . . So I think that's the plan for tomorrow. Get some shopping done. Then get some homework done. Sounds productive to me. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving . . . now welcome to Christmas!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


. . . Well, as it turns out, my class for tomorrow was cancelled so I'm off from school and work until Sunday. Justin has Wednesday and Thursday off. So we're taking off for Atlanta for 3 days. Actually more like 2 days since a lot of time will be spent driving. But yeah. We're leaving tomorrow around 5 and won't get back till Thursday evening. If I don't talk to you, have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sleeping In

. . . So today was the first time in I don't know how long that I got to sleep in as long as I wanted. There was really nothing that I HAD to do today so I thought I'd treat myslef and sleep in. It's really too bad I didn't enjoy it though cause I sure did jump up at 11am scared cause I thought I missed class. Damn!! And sleeping is one of my favorite things in the world when I can ever get around and find some time to do so. You know, when I'm not being the night owl that I tend to be (thanks a lot mom for passing that one along), or doing homework, or waking up early for one thing or another.
. . . I need to change my oil. The stupid oil light comes on sometimes when I'm driving. It just started though. What makes me mad is the fact that I technically still have 1000 miles and a month before I'm scheduled to go in. PLUS, last time I was there, they used high mileage oil in my car since I'm now up to 86 thousand somethin miles. So shouldn't that oil last longer?? Crazy.
. . . Well, I'm gonna get some sleep tonight. Gotta work again tomorrow. Got called in tonight and out of the kindness of my heart, I actually went in. No. Truth be told, I have no life and Justin was working too.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Oops! I Forgot

. . . Oh! P.S. I feel much better today. The killer headache I had yesterday is almost gone. I can still feel it a little bit but at least I'm functional today and it isn't taking my breath away like it was yesterday. My back no longer hurts. I'm not puking my guts out. I ate real food for the first time in 2 days. And my fever is gone.

. . . For real this time. The End.

Super Phone

. . . So in all my haste yesterday I forgot to post about my super phone. Yes. I have an amazing phone. Well, before I started one of my naps on the couch the other day when I thought I was dying, I thought it would be a good idea to put my phone next to me. I had a cup of water on the floor next to the couch incase I got thirsty. I bet you all know where this story is going, but of course with my luck, the phone slips off the couch and lands directly into the cup without spilling the water. So I jump up as fast as I can and rescue the poor drowning phone. Now just as a side note, I JUST got this phone a couple of months ago so I was really sad that I may have killed it so soon. Anyway, I take the battery off and try to dry it the best I can. And the poor thing is about dead. Everytime I put the battery back on, the screen would flash for a bit, then it would go off again. So I decided that since it was only in the water for maybe 3 seconds, I'd give it a while to dry and re-activate my old phone in the meantime. Well, guess what? Yesterday afternoon, my super phone decided that it wanted to work again. So it's now re-activated and I'm back to my new phone. Yea me!!
. . . Oh! I learned something very interesting today. Did you know that you can get arrested for throwing trash in a dumpster that isn't yours? Like any random dumpster? What is that?? It's just trash! It's not like you're taking the trash out of the dumpster and stealing it! You're throwing trash in the dumpster! But yeah. You can get arrested for it. So all of you people who use other people's dumpsters, beware!!!
. . . Okay. That's it. All the useless information I have for the day.